I'm glad someone reads the description i worked on! Check it out in-game, the roof works perfect and i heightened the roof above the bridge for extra jump space.
Nice map- looks like you put a lot of thought into weapon placement and spawns (two things that some people just blow off).Looks like you could easily Fuel-Rod Jump up to the second floor though...
I like the map alot 5/5 and a DL. I also like the "Rough Paint Layout" it gives me an idea of how the map is layed out.
Like is said a thousand time, There's a roof! If you mean the bridge, that wouldn't be so smart considering all the main combat happens there, and you don't want to land in it while your shield is down. Thank you for the kind comments though, i appreciate it! Haha, ain't it beautiful? i'm a master painter. Srsly though, i thought it would be hard to get the design, so i added a layout.
looks like a really cool and fun map to play for a tournament or some other type of clan match or something. i like the flow and feel of the map it looks really clean and well made nice job.
wow this map is incredible even for its size but it would be cooler if there was a little bigger but hey its your map and thats the way YOU like it and thats the way i would make it
I love it when people say, "Is there a roof?" when there is one and the guy who posted it stated it has a roof. Anyways, this map has a simple layout that could be effective, yes, it is very simple.
Well, i was basically broke when it was finished, i couldn't afford to make it any bigger. Thanks, i really enjoy playing 1v1 myself Haha i agree elkan! people should read the description.
Wow, Viper man, this looks like an awesome map. The one thing I can think that could make it better is minor changes to The Fuel Rod Gun. It is rather, well, cheap (even if it does bounce). I figured if you were going to have it on a map(especially a compact map like this) at least have it have with no extra clips and at least a 120 respawned. I'm just not a big fan of that gun, that's all really, but I'm also trying to help. =] As for gameplay? Hm, I can see some fun FFA's going on in this place. Team Slayer would also be pretty cool and I'm never a fan of any oddball games. But who knows? Your map might work for me. =D I'll download and check it out.
Well, i playtested it several times, and the fuel rod worked fine with 1 clip there. It is not to dominating, as one may think. Please do! it's a blast
for some reason, this reminds me of gridlocked. and i was like " i hope theres a roof on it." and then i saw. good close quarters combat here i can tell. 3.5/5
Hmm, interresting ;:O isn't gridlocked like objective based? I'm glad you read the entire post (you did, right?). I always makes my maps break secure. What leader of "Alpha security mapbusting" would i be if my maps were breakable? eh? ^^
Hey looks mor of a maze 4/5 but doesnt look like a competitve map its looks like gamplay is bad could be hard to find people but anyway nice forging.
Ehm, it might be small, but it's not a maze. As said in the main post, gameplay is utterly good, i enjoy a game or two of 1v1 on this map. Don't base your opinios only on the screenshots, but read other peoples comments as well as read the whole description. I'm tired of forgehub for this reason. Everyone scrolls to the screenshots right away.