I love the smudging, but it would have bee cool if you added some "fading" to help it blend better. I am not really feeling the border or the text. Overall a good sig.
The blending needs a lot of work. 1. Turn down your rate. It looks plain bad. 2. Turn down your opacity. 3. Add blur, or something, because it's way way sharp, and jittery. Make it more fading, add a background, add a lightsource, and change the border. Looks like a good base for revision.
I like it, but I think it would be amazing if you could make the smudging to resemble like a butterfly or something.
Probably your worst sig up to date. I don't think I have seen you smudge before, but this smudging is not the best. Its very inconsistent and really ruins the flow. Next the focal. It seems there has been no blurring/sharpening to this sig to define the focal point. You don't necessarily have to do it this way, its just one of the ways I do it. Moving on with text...I didn't notice you added mace to this sig untill I really focused in on the sig. The font isn't that great either. Perhaps moving it closer to the focal. The border is terrible. I think that is one of the huge things that ruin this sig. Mace Im not trying to be a complete ass towards you. Just trying to help you out. Hopefully I don't refresh my page and see loads of flame from you .
Looks better, however, border is a bit... bad... and the smudging is still terrible, in places where you can see it. Also, what the heck's that frog there for?
I was trying to make a sig similar to one on another site, but I don't have PS, so it didn't quite work.
I'm sorry, but don't use Desu's style. It's his trademark. So the second I shall CnC. It sucks. The flow isn't strong, there isn't any depth, and the colors are horrible. Good try though.