BLUE ROOM Download BlueRoom Download Gametype INFO: As my second map here. Blue room is not really a Forged map its a glitched map below SnowBound. The gametype is a 1-Shot kill with Shotguns so not sure if you will like it but you can create thoulsands of gametype combinations, ShottySnipers also goes good with it. PICTURES ^^OVERVIEW^^ ^^ALSO OVERVIEW^^ ^^MEELEE^^ ^^SHOTTY SHOOT^^
I would barely consider this a forge map, I think everyone has seen this room. Also, this is no where near a competitive map, I would recommend it be put into mini-games. This is just sort of a gimmick.
i think everyone that has commented above me needs to shut up. it only takes one person to tell him that this map has been done before. For your second map i would say good job. you should add some equipment in there though instead of nothing
wow, old. I used to have some good times on this map. I made a variant where it's assault so you had to be quick to arm the bomb before everyone respawned. putting the hill in the middle is fun too. in other words it was epic but only for a couple weeks.
I do not think this is really a competetive map, its shotguns, and it only works for one gametype. ~Move to Casual, please.
You fail to realize that this is barely even a forge map, let alone a competitive one. This does not belong here in competitive maps, whether or not it has been done before.
well first of all you are not the only one who has thought of this and secondly the map is under snowbound
I've seen this before in picture taking, never in a real map, but you should add some equipment for fun and then you could take cool battle shots later.
reason i never liked a map like this theres no where to go and hide you just spawn and then go to the other side and kill die then spawn. heres my results when i played on this map along tim ago.--------deployable covers and snipoers where only thing under there spawn points on either side where placed and one team spawned at one and only one and would not move unfournate thing about it was very simple to spawn kill.... make it better put teleporters in middle so either way they go they end back at there origanal base but they can still snipe each other
i know how to get ther but thnks for putting the map up ppl would probably use this for non game purposes, and 1 hit kill with shotguns in a smal room isnt a good idea
This looks good but it also looks like a good place to take pictures basically though this map is to see who can shotgun the fastest.