blue print v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by wapproce, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    ok i made a v2 since the first version spawns dint work out to good and because when i went to save changes on my post it some how lock and i could report to a admin cause no were on and the mods dint know wut to do so here my map

    a small enclosed map supports all gametypes recommend 2-4 players. for once my map is nonscapable i you seen any of my other maps. i have no clue to how much time i spent on this map as i work on and off it cause school and homework killing me.

    if you like the map paragon by TDHarding and project s by the abc crew this is the map for you... i do give them credit for the idea of my map

    ok time for the only thing people look at








    ok time for some action shots...





    and again the dl link is below
    down load here

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    TheDarkKnight05 and SiN Fwang like this.
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    The interlocking on this map is great, however I dont see anything that just stinks out. A lot of new people have joined and they made great maps. Its a lot harder to make a map that is very good now. 4/5
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    the hall of shield doors seems like a bad idea, and it looks like may have taken ideas from paragon and maybe project s a little too exactly.
    but it still looks good, i'll check it out and see if it is original enough and how well it plays.
    although now that i look at it, it seems like you may have taken paragon and just tweaked it a little bit.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    STOP ****ing reposting this stolen map!!!

    This is obviously Paragon tweaked a bit....gtfo

    dude seriously, go away, and stop reposting this...
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    i dont believe this looks as much like paragon as you're making it seem sdrak
  6. drak

    drak Ancient
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    dude, he deleted a bit of the center, the top looks almost exactly the same, and he twisted the box he has a closeup of....he also added one hallway i believe, or made it wider....on top of that, he just added a ledge or two, some weps here or there, and voila, blueprint v2...

    also, he has reposted this now twice, this being the third time... (RE-post, not makes sense, just think about it...)

    I dont blame him for the first one, his post was screwed up, so what....but for this time, after he already reposted it once, is just unnacceptable, because in that thread, he DID get flamed by a couple of people that the map looked like paragon

  7. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    no download the map the hallways are different this isnt stolen i made it by my self and please dont post if your on your period i know you could get cranky... =} i dont care report me
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    ill check out paragon again cause I still don't see it

    anyway if this is a v2 im sure you'd have fixed one of the problems which was an excessive amount of weapons, it seemed like I was walking in a pile of em. (such a small map, plus so much= no-no)

    Also I'm sure you've heard enough about the shield door hallway, it looks cool but it's too much mabie one or two shield doors or another form of cover.
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    map is great, but you have a huge problem
    the shield doors make it to easy to camp, some of the iterlocks like the roof in one part look shitty
    also you have so many poweer weapons/equipment next to eachother
    really sniper and flamethrower so close?
  10. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    i put the sniper with 0 clips and 180 spwan time and the shotty 0 clips and 60 spwan time and can someone plz rerate the map i think 1 star is a little harsh....
  11. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    looks really good! i like the... well... everything, really. the ceiling is cool, nicely done. i like those shield doors in the ground. that looks cool. 5/5. keep up the good work, i cant wait to see more of your creations!

    Oh and BTW: i help you out with the 5 star rating thing. i dont see why people think it only deserves a 1 star. i like it.... but that's just their opinion.
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ill try it out, but maybe you should get rid of the flamethrower and move the sniper instead use a 2-shot rocket launcher
  13. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    This map isn't necissarily lacking forge skill, it's just the game play included in the map.

    Again, this map seems a little too narrow and cerain close-range power weapons may completely dominate the match.

    For now I can only give you a 3/5
  14. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    ok ill probaly come back with a v3 still keeping the v2 the v3 will have lees weapons means less power weapons and weapons you dont use and ill delete 2 of the shiled doors for less camping spots sounds good...
  15. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    wow dude. I really like the map.

    The paragon type feeling with the nicely geomerged boxes and the paragon type roof.
    Now, I pretty sure that this map is not stolen, the map does look very similar to paragon.

    So I know it is not stolen and you sir have made an awesome map. So great job, and hope to see more in the works of yours!
  16. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I undertand how people could think this was Paragon, but I don't think it is. I employs some of the same ideas but is completely different. I give it a 4.5/5 just from the pictures. If you have reposted 3 times though, you should be told not to post again. thats against the rules.


    JASONYO Ancient
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    think about it. two flamethrowers! i usually dont like 1 in a map. but good sir, that is overboard. i think u should work on some weapon balance stuff. but besides that ur interlocking and layout looks pretty well done. keep up the good work
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I really like the design of this map. You have nice aesthetics. I especially like the power-up tele combo. I like how you place most of the weapons uniquely. I also like that hall with the shield doors.. Good interlocking an geo-merging.

    There is only one. What are you talking about, besides you are only allowed to place one in foundry.
  19. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This is well stolen!!! This is Paragon which got featured about 2 months ago. I downloaded and played Paragon when it first got posted and this is it. Unfortunately, It has been stolen by someone who's username is "Wapproce." I completletly agree with sdrakulich, This is not your map. Original thread link:
  20. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    ok how is this stollen can we get a mod to show all you crazzy haters that this isnt stolen ill contact one now and prove you wrong

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