Bleu J UPDATED PICTURES as of 4/23/10 This Map started off with three goals 1.sturdiness (in my opinion a good number of maps sacrifice bulk and sturdiness in exchange for overall size) 2. Ghosties (epic ghost gameplay while still balanced) 3.use tube pieces (i almost never use them when i forge so it was my goal to use them) Overview 1 explantions of new portions: The 'mountain' goes to the top of the center piece and the 3rd floor (out of 4) from which you can drop to the first and second floors 'Shineh alleh' is pictured in the first pic pretty self explanatory 'mid-basement' is the area under the centerpiece' 'lift' is the man cannon to the 4th floor of the center piece Overview opposite side w/o cluttered text red base nowhere near completed this is the garage portion which will connect to the main part...i have to finish the garage's roof and then build the main portion of the base still The blue base the sloped sides can be travelled up by infantry and ghosts (as you will see in the next shot) Top of the blue base with flying ghostie Interior of blue base (note there is another ghost opposite the one shown im just riding it when the picture was taken) Full overview
So far this looks great. I have never seen someone take paths for ghosts into so much consideration like making the sides of a base slanted just for them. I hope to see the finished map soon.
wow looks fantastic, the bases look neat and well thought out great job.....really cant wait to this finished
Looks well done but empty. You might have to sacrifice touches like colored columns for pieces for gameplay...
@Bloo Jay i actually googled bloo jay cause i thought it was something awesome id never heard of... before i noticed it was your username lol @indigobeef if it was named after bloo wouldnt it be named 'bloo'? lol @inglorious well i still have about half my budget (minus the six blocks i have to use too finish the arches) left to do the other base (which im predicting will cost a little more than half of that half (i.e. a quarter) leaving me with a quarter of my budget to build any excess and fringe structures i deem neccessary for the gameplay/achestetics so im hoping i wont have to sacrifice anything @everyone thanks for strokin my ego lol
This is looking very nice. From what I see, it isn't going to take up the entirety of Sandbox, will it? Invite me for testing. My GT's AceOfSpades0707. I'm really liking the looks of this.
@aceofspades sorry for the delay in replying i was in away in Puerto Rico (Spring Break baby) since last thursday amd just got back at about 1 AM this obviously the map wont be at a stage where it is ready for testing for another 1-2 weeks but then i would be more than happy to invite yout to test if your still interested also it wont take up all of sandbox like you said
The map gorgeous at the moment just make sure you don't make the map over complicated. If you make the map over complicated it will become confusing for everyone playing on it meaning it wont play very well.