HD DVD can playback DVD, so if you were inclined you could buy them and watch normal DVDs whilst you wait for HD DVD players to lower in price. Personally I wouldn't want to choose early before one is decided. Blu Ray is slightly better but slightly more expensive. Them's my thoughts. I'd prefer Blu Ray to win the battle, but if anyone remembers betamax vs VHS... pr0n is with HD DVD.
Blu Ray has a higher potential capacity. However the load times are slower and the discs are LOADED with java script encoding that allows for a huge invasion of advertising into your movies. If Blu Ray were the only format, anytime you saw a product in a movie an advertisement would pop up on your television for it. HD DVDs on the other hand have the same encoding as DVDs (which is still total bullshit).
Wow, I didn't know that... that's interesting. Not sure I like the thought of ads if Blu-Ray had no competition at all, that's horrendous.
I don't really know all the specifics on how either work, but I'm hoping HD DVD wins, that way Microsoft will beat Sony, conquer the world, and all will be right in the world
These are storage formats, picture quality has nothing to do with quantity of storage. Blu-Ray simply has more potential storage capacity, although the discs cost more to make and reading from the disc is slower. Blu Ray is certainly the superior product in terms of raw capacity, however as I have said already the javascript encoding on Blu Ray discs would easily allow them to shove advertising down your throats while you're in the middle of watching a movie. HD DVDs have the same encoding as DVDs, which still allows for unskippable advertising at the beginning of the film*. Imagine what horrors would be unleashed if the encoding was even more powerful. *The original purpose of this was ONLY to be for the FBI Warning on movies, but that does not stop the production companies.
Ugh, thats lame. I didnt know that about the ads. That definitely tips the scales against them. Either way, Im still not buying one until they get less expensive.
The average consumer does not know about such things. The theory has been put out there that Microsoft is only doing JUST ENOUGH to keep HD DVDs in the race. The supposition is that their intent is to continue to keep both formats from winning until they can master Digital Distribution and make that common practice. Either way the consumer is ****ed until one format is settled on. Perhaps we can count on socialist Europe to declare having two formats to be illegal, that market might tip things around. Alternatively, a device capable of playing Blu Ray or HD DVD may become available at some point.
I mean, sure they look pretty... but is it really worth spending the hundreds on a new device, and then possibly thousands more over the next few years replacing your collection with the updated formats? perhaps once it becomes cheap. but until then i am content with downloading HD movies from the XBL marketplace. i think digital distribution is a way better way to go. but on the other side of that coin lies the storage problem. with HD movies being something like 7 gb each... having your entire collection be digital would take quite a hefty hard drive. plus right now we can only "rent" hd movies on the marketplace, we cant buy them permanently.
That's why I'm not replacing my old collection, just buying new releases in the Blu Ray disk, but if it is only available in HD DVD i'll buy normal DVD because my normal DVD player upconverts and still makes the movie look damn good
Right now Blu-ray is winning so i would go with it but i am going to wait until the battle is over. -Donuts
i dont think the ads will be able to do that...people would revolt with pickaxes and torches...i think blu ray is the...right way?