Halo: Anniversary Damnation Gameplay - YouTube - DMR without bloom. (4:14) - The more damage you take while in Armor Lock the quicker you will get out of it. (4:30) - Grenades seem to be doing less damage. - Movement speed seems to be upped slightly. - Looks like shields recharge faster. - Melee can kill even when the enemy had his shields (3:25) Can't wait 'till HaloFest to find out about all the changes of the Title update.
I like the armour lock thing, and the no-bloom, but I'm not sure about weaker grenades, I can never kill anything with them anyway :/
Bloomless DMRs you say? Well, this is very interesting. I never cared for Armor Lock, but the Bloomless DMR caught my attention.
And before everyone goes nuts, the changes will only be available in the Classic++ playlist (with all the CEA maps) at first. If changes are universally approved then they might be applied to normal Reach matchmaking.
This makes me happier than a clam at a clam sauna on national clam day. I'd imagine that they didn't just get rid of bloom on the DMR, since that would be super over-powered, so what does and doesn't have bloom must be editable. Either that, or they just got rid of bloom on precision weapons. I hope it's the former, but I'd be happy with the latter as well. The armor lock thing is awesome, now one armor lock guy can't distract a group of enemies, because he'll just get blasted out of it like a drop shield in front of a tank. I didn't notice the movement speed change, nor the grenade change, though, even after careful analysis. But yeah, good changes are good.
That's more speculation than anything. It seemed like grenades didn't hurt the player as much as in Reach right now. Near the end of the video the player gets hit by fairly close-by grenades and only about 2/5 of his shields go down. In reach it seems like nearly all grenades in my distinct location strip me of all my shields, but that may be my rage clouding my vision. Movement of the player just looked like it was every so slightly more fluent. May be me, but I really hope they up the speed if only by a little. Also, your shields recharge faster I think.
Oh I get it now, I didn't read the top part when I replied to this thread, great montage of pics though.
OMG! Thats how a DMR should be, that overkill made my day. If they took bloom off of DMR i would have to think they'd slow down the ROF a tad, (since it is faster than a BR, but it does take an extra shot) but it didnt look that way. I love the armor lock idea as well. I have faith in 343, i just hope they stay somewhat consistent in all of the playlists. e.g. if you're going to take out bloom in one playlist, you might as well take it out altogether.