Hello, all! I'm back with another map! Bloodsports was created for Certain Affinity's free-for-all map contest and recently deployed as of minutes ago! Download the map here! The map was inspired by Monday Night Combat and Blood Gulch. Essentially, the map is a 2-story symmetrical combat arena, designed with "escalation" in mind, wherein the heavier weapons and vehicles will spawn as the game progress (but really, everything will be deployed within 3 minutes). The Arena The map is split between 2 main spawn hubs, a central area, and hallways connecting both. Gravity lifts will transport players up to the upper level, while holes along the perimeter and the open areas will let players jump down the first floor. Weapons are scattered throughout the map, and some are positioned behind firing ports (which are designed based off the arena-styled map of Impact). Central Area (first floor) Central Area (second floor) Base Base Firing Port Hallway Low Cover Firing Port Gravity Lift Hole (2nd floor) Weapons Dish This one took me about 2 months to complete to this point; and I was given a heart attack when I logged on to find that all my pieces had been misaligned due to that notorious Forge multi-person forging bug! I hope you guys enjoy this one! P.S.: Thanks all of you for downloading my Halo: Reach Combat Training map! The map was downloaded by over 3,000 people!