Bloodsport Slayers have gathered here from the far corner's of Reach to test and prove there skills in combat! Welcome to Bloodsport! Bloodsport is a symmetricaly inverted map constructed for team slayer and objective based gameplay. From either base (red or blue) there are several routes you can take. the overpass, the staircase to the rockets, the side brigde to one of the snipers, the shotgun tower, or set up shop on your teams turret to supply cover fire. The mounted machine gun is a beast and comes with it's perk's and its flaws. This machine gun has a massive line of sight allowing you to cover any objectives that the opposite team is trying to gain (Flag, Bomb) and can also lay down cover fire for your team trying to get the objective. However it is also completley open to enemy fire not to mention the enemie's sniper rifle. Play smart. The first thing you'll notice after your initial spawn is the glass covered overpass which house's the Energy Sword and which also creates a focused line of sight to the opposing team creating a risk vs reward from the very start of the game. The sniper spawns are directly across from eachother with cover for each to give you a moment to breathe once you get there. However this makes for a race to the rifles from the start of the game creating some suspense and a good sniper fight because the player who gets there first has the upper hand. The Rocket Launcher spawn is located in the heart of the map, centered on the bottom floor surrounded by four pillars. It makes for some fun fights down there when you meet up with someone and be careful if you grab those rockets not to blow yourself up because it can get a little crowded. And not to worry there is sufficient cover for players travelling through the bottom of the map. The Shotgun spawns in each corner tower on the left side corner of the map from each base. Anyone who goes for the shotgun will mainly be wanting to defend there base from flankers using the teleport or uptop getting people who want to use the grav lift. I've also placed the shotgun far enough away from the teleport to give players the chance to use the teleport and flank them. As for Infection gametypes i have placed softkillzones all around the overpass and blocked off each entrance stopping players from sitting in the center of it and pickin the zombies off. Each base has a teleport which takes you to the opposite base coming out in the same area so its very easy to understand what your looking at when you come out. Now if your wondering about people camping the teleport for assasinations or quick shotgun kills it wont happen that often. I've placed a soft killzone surrounding the teleport so you cant come out than walk back a few steps and wait for that assasination. you must leave its zone or your dead. and as for shotgun campers...not alot of people really use the teleport, So anyone camping it is really wasting there time they could be using to gain other kills. The teleport is there for either a quick retreat or a life saving move. Or if your brave enough you can race to your teleport and try and flank the enemy right off the start of the game. imagine there team focusing down the glass hallway and you pop up behind and just take em out . You can see the teleport and grav lift in the pic below here. The center bridge house's the objective durring assault, CTF, etc. so it wont be used a whole lot in slayer as it can be very open. The bottom floor of the map can be exciting when you get into a gunfight down there. There is plenty of cover for players to move freely from one side of the map to the other without being picked off from the predators roaming above. This map also flows like a champ, I've heard lots of comments durring games how nice it is that it's actually kind of difficult to fall off the map unless your being an idiot. theres lots of "safety nets" you could call them that catch you usually when you slip over an edge. There is also ALWAYS more than one way into an area or around an object in this map, sometimes theres three ways in or around. Weapons Spawn time Spare clips 2 x Sniper 180 sec 1 2 x Shotgun 120 sec 1 1 x Sword 180 sec 2 1 x Rockets 180 sec 2 2 x Turret 180 sec 4 x DMR 45 sec 2 4 x Needle rifle 45 sec 2 4 x AR 30 sec 2 2 x Needler 45 sec 2 4 x magnum 30 sec 2 4 x plasma pistol 45 sec 2 6 x plasma nade 15 sec 8 x frag nade 15 sec 8 x med packs 30 sec This is my second map posted on here and i know that i might get hated on for using pre fab peices but i use them in ways that work. This map only has a couple hundred credits left available and i didnt experience any FRL durring a ten player bout. There is very litte or lapping of peices and zero flickering which adds to FRL. Download it and let me know what you think i'm very open to constructive critiscism and i've already got gone through some to get it to this point. Thanks Forge HUB!
I think this map is well made. I like the idea of the soft kill zones to stop camping. Overall nice map
This map may have a simple layout overall and little aesthetic value but it does oddly have good gameplay on the defended the choice of each power weapon on the map and showed how it could be easly stopped from overpowering in the map which most people can not also made telporters to bring camping to a low...on the map you also made multiple pathways and levels to increase the plablity...besides the aesthetics I would be worried about the amount of cover in some areas for it seems to lack...overall nice map and nice layout....
This reminds me of a UNSC base of some sort. Anyways, the aesthetics look nice, especially that long glass bridge. However, I think that it might be easy to snipe people coming through the bridge, I'd recommend maybe trying to shorten it. Also, too much glass on a map causes framerate problems, if there aren't any let me know. This is a simple map with a good layout. Goodluck on future forges. I hope you take everyones' suggestions into consideration.
Yeah the cover issue has been adressed a couple times. i've tried a few different variations but it seemed like the more cover i put in it looked really cluttered and alot to take in at first. If you have some ideas where it absolutely needs cover let me know which spots your worried about. thanks for the input man i appreciate it alot. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey thanks for your thoughts man and to answer your question i havent experienced any FRL at all. the largest game i've had on here was a ten player FFA match and it went great. As for the bridge that was the idea to make it a risk vs reward situation. If you want that sword you need submit yourself to the risk. And the reason for the gaps in the bottom of the bridge is so you cant get the sword and camp in the middle waiting for someone to walk through. I could try maybe putting walls a short distant into the bridge and than two sections of glass in the middle. Thanks again!
I like this map, it has an 'urban' looking feel to it. A few things i noticed are the sword looks fixed. This is a problem because only the connection host can pick it up. There is a lot of weapons. It's not really a problem, but i would recommend making some show up for FFA and some for team games. Cover on the bridges leaving the tower is.. well, it's not there. I would put something on it OR put something on the corner of the inside platform, so you can jump down to take cover, adding RvR. I like how it is like Zealot, you dont have to go in the middle, and there is an above part. Overall, nice map.
I will assure you that the sword is not fixed. The sword actually comes with an invisible base on that allows you to stand it up on its own. i placed it on the sand bags to raise it helping players notice down the hallway easier. This is twice that the cover has been mentioned so I will deffinetly fix that. what inside platform do you mean? and RVR? I did think about having weapons show up for certain games but i felt like it could confuse people so not really sure what to do there. i can toy with it. thanks for your thoughts man!