BloodShot This map was created by Dad64153. I am posting this for him, he asked me to, so don't go saying "Prosper stole your map!" Story: It's an MLG map, kill people. Game Type: MLG Slayer [Same as Matchmaking] RPC [Recommended Player Count]: 6-12 {Even teams} Pictures, thank God, I thought I'd die, think about a post with no pictures!!! It's like a grownup book! Over View: [Of mass murder] Alternate view: [Of mass murder] Another view: [Of mass murder{AGAIN}] Bird's eye view: [Of Tienanmen Square] Level view: [Of Boston Town Massacre] And Finally....MORE MASS MURDER! To shoot or not to shoot? That is the question. Rabbit's foot....wait a second, oh well, elite foot, still lucky, kind of.. HA Told you Ninja! I DID kill you!!! IN YOUR FACE!! HEADSHOT! Credit to the testers: MAP GAME
Have fun with your infraction a-hole anyway, this isn't an MLG map if it has a laser in it, so take it out, or call it Competetive.
3.6/5 looks like there wasnt much planning though it does impress me. Try filling in the spaces with other stuff like pallets, grav lifts,man cannons or anything
Ehh, its alright. But a laser in MLG, haha I wish. Anyway it looks like a solid map with some nice geometry. There may be a lack of cover all around but it looks alright. And also isn't MLG just 4v4. I'm not sure but good map. 5/5