BLOODRING ARENA MAP PACKCreated by RJM619 Supported Gametypes: BloodRing Rally Also, please try: Bloodring Tag Team Turmoil, Bloodring FFA, and Bloodring King. Map Description The map (and gametypes) works as mini-game similar to the side-quest from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (and probably other GTA games; I can't remember): So, the first Halo 3 Bloodring Arena was created. The main gametype (Bloodring Rally) sees players racing towards each target to score. The game is supports upto 8 players/teams, but 4-6 is recommended. _________________________________________________ MAPS The arena: Players begin in each starting point next to a Mongoose. To make sure players drive there, everyone has low speed, and can deal no damage, but can still splatter one another to take them out the game for a few seconds. If you come off your vehicle, you have a Plasma Pistol to give you a chance to hop onto a spare vehicle. If there are no spare Mongooses immeadiately available in each base (although they were set to instant respawn; vehicles still have a short delay), jump into one of the teleporters and you'll arrive at a spare Mongoose suspended above the map: There are two of these, but this is also the starting point for players/teams 7 & 8. Oh, and be prepared for a steep drop! The map is probably breakable. Giant who cares. But if you do escape and realise you're missing out on all the fun, there are teleporters on the outside that drop you back into the arena. For fun times, there's also a grav lift (instantly respawning) in the middle of the map, and some soccer balls that fly through the arena after 150s. When I was creating the map I couldn't decide which vehicle would be better to incorporate, Mongoose or Ghost. So although the Mongoose version is the main map, there is also an alternate version with Ghost starts, and a special gametype just for them! MONGOOSE MAP Instant Download GHOST MAP Instant Download So moving on to the gametypes: _________________________________________________ GAMETYPES BloodRing Rally (Works for Both Maps) This is the main gametype. Players must score by driving over each target. You get 2 points for each target reached and the game has 3 rounds; first to 25 points in each. Depeninding on the number of players, feel free to change this. Also, on the MONGOOSE Bloodring Map [MG], you can have two players on each team; one driver and one passenger. The passenger cannot score (only the VIP can), but is armed with a Plasma Pistol to F with the other players! BloodRing Tag Team Turmoil (MONGOOSE Bloodring Map [MG] only) 2 players on each team do battle on a Mongoose, armed with a shotgun, Plasma Pistol, regenerating grenades and an optional SMG in their base: . Here's how the scoring works: Kill Points: -5 Assist Points: +8 Death Points: -2 Suicide Points: -2 Betrayal Points: -2 Splatter Bonus: +2 Spree Bonus: +2 (The rest are 0) This means that if you kill someone while on the back of a Mongoose you get +3 points, but if you beatdown or kill someone while not on the Mongoose, you get -5. So don't do it! The team with the highest score after 7mins wins! BloodRing FFA (GHOST Bloodring Map [GH] only) In a similar, but much simpler gametype, upto 8 players grab they're Ghosts and battle it out on the Bloodring Areana. BloodRing King (GHOST Bloodring Map [GH] only) Use your Ghost to shove other players out of the area. Players deal no damage but can still score from splatters. Players score when inside the hill, but lose points when they're not! _________________________________________________ Phew. I hope you all enjoy this map hopefully it's one of the better MiniGames! Even though the arena may be a little small (I was limited by the item count), it does result in frantic gameplay. If there are any problems let me know, and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Download MONGOOSE BloodRing Arena Download GHOST BloodRing Arena Download BloodRing Rally (Both Maps) Download BloodRing Tag Team Turmoil(MG Map Only) Download BloodRing FFA(GH Map Only) Download BloodRing King (GH Map Only)
this looks pretty cool. its very original, and i think it will be worth the download. great job, i give it a 5/5 for originality and cleanliness
looks amazingly fun and well thought out, probably a good thing people can get out (less competition lol). ::downloading::
Very original, and extremely well made. I also like the idea of the extra mongooses (mongeese?) above the map. 5/5