
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by nnSHARK BAITnn, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. nnSHARK BAITnn

    nnSHARK BAITnn Forerunner

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    Bloodmound has been tested and approved multiple times with games of different quanities of people.) Bloodmound is a Tiny symterical Free For All map in the shape of a Octogon. There is 2 floors with a 2-way teleporter that teleports you from the top to the bottom floor. The game is ONLY ment for 2-8 players, any more than 8 players will be spawned outside the map. I'd really appricate it if you reply with your feedback, mainly on how your experience was, how many people you played with and if you'd recommend it for other players.

    This is the screenshot of bloodmound

    #1 nnSHARK BAITnn, Mar 8, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012

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