Here's a theory I've cooked up. Bungie has always (most of the time) listened to their community, or at least a majority of the community. There is a very large majority that wants a remake of an original Halo map: Blood Gulch. Generally, Bungie (and most other gaming companies) incorporates areas from the campaign into their multiplayer maps. In an interview with Marty O'Donell, he mentions that that trailer will, with a few touches, probably be incorporated as a cutscene in Reach, therefore, being part of the campaign. Now, if Bungie were to use the area that was shown in the trailer as a multiplayer map, what map do you think they would make it into? It is big, has warthogs and banshees, surrounded by mountains, rolling hills... I think the cutscene looks really convincing as a Blood Gulch remake.
That's not that bad of an idea. Though normally multiplayer maps are based off of playable terrain, and not areas only scene in Cutscenes, because at the end of the trailer, they leave the area. Oh, and this should be in "Halo Discussion".
to be honest i liked valhalla more than blood gultch @bloo jay most remakes arent made on playable terrain. Look at heretic and when do you play a sandtrap type map?
That is a great idea (also just my input but Valhalla, although a great map, is epic fail compared to how good ole blood gulch/coagulation played) i really hope for a new remake of the map, although maybe seeing as how reach is more squad based they will make it more intricate, oh say 2 canyons with different ways to reach each side, more caves all that stuff.
I love blood gulch and they should remake it but I prefer Boardin action because i loved the different levels of it t obe honest bothe Boarding Action and Blood gulch would suit Halo reach