Blood Gulch Anniversary (now w/ pics) From the creator of Grounded (Winner of FHF XX), comes another faithful remake of one of the most beloved multiplayer maps in Halo history: Blood Gulch. I've seen many Blood Gulch remakes over the past year, but none of them really stood out to me. Many of them were good, but all of them seemed to be missing something that others had. So over the past month I've been working on making what I believe to be the definitive remake of Blood Gulch in Halo: Reach for use with the new Anniversary gametypes. It was built side-by-side with the original on my PC and my remake on my television. I do not intend on using the PC weapon/vehicle layout for this map as Halo Anniversary is a celebration of the original Xbox classic, not the PC game. Currently, I have a testable version of my map completed and you can download it here: Beta v2 is now available! : Halo Reach : File Details Comparison screenshots now available! Sniper Sightline (Red base to Blue base) Spoiler Original Remake Red base teleporter receiver Spoiler Original Remake Red base (exterior) Spoiler Original Remake Red Base (top) Spoiler Original Remake Red Base (opening) Spoiler Original Remake Red Back Area Spoiler Original Remake Cave Opening Spoiler Original Remake Cave Interior Spoiler Original Remake Blue Rock Incline Spoiler Original Remake Blue Incline Sightline (top) Spoiler Original Remake Blue Base (exterior) Spoiler Original Remake Red Cliff Rock Spoiler Original Remake Blue Cliff Arch Spoiler Original Remake
The reason there's no good remakes of Blood Gulch is that Blood Gulch doesn't play well in Reach. The DMR just ruins it. People would have whined, but there's m=no doubt that Valhalla would have worked much better with Reach's gameplay. Still, your Zanzibar remake looks promising, so this has caught my interest. I look forward to seeing the final product.
Well, there weren't any DMRs in the original Blood Gulch so I don't plan on having any used on this map. Also, I recommend downloading my latest Zanzibar in my file share, I think I may have forgotten to update my ForgeHub thread when I finished it. Thanks for the support though. Not really. If you time how long it takes to run across the original and then do the same with Hemorrhage in Reach it's not that different. I'd just simply suggest using faster running speed to make up for it. The Anniversary gametypes already use faster running speed. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Here is the testable beta version of my remake. Let me know what you all like/dislike, but remember this is a beta map and should be treated like so. You will probably notice some things off as well as some lack of polish, but these will all be cleaned up in the final version coming soon. : Halo Reach : File Details
Also just because blood gulch didn't play well for any gametype in any came it has been in besides chicken and that was just plain dumb to play unless you are 10... Might want to throw up some images though if you want people to download.
Working on it. Taking the time to get it right. I'm talking everything from the terrain, to the rocks, to the sightlines, to the weapons/vehicles, etc. Most Blood Gulch remakes I've seen are either 1 week long Hemorrhage editing jobs, or just someone's own interpretation of Blood Gulch as opposed to accurate recreation. I plan on making mine as close to the original Xbox Classic as Forge will allow possible, the same way 343 did with their Anniversary remakes. We can't have Halo Anniversary and a Halo celebration without the map that has become the poster child for the franchise.
There are limits to what you can do in forge and almost every remake has hit those. There are many that people put a lot of effort into. I suggest you look through those and try to learn from them to improve your remake. All I can say is good luck!
Screenshots and updated beta map are now in the op. As you can see, I'm still a little off on some things, but again this is supposed to be a beta to see how things are going so far. Any feedback is appreciated
lrn2mouseoverimage Spoiler Sniper Sightline (Red base to Blue base) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red base teleporter receiver [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red base (exterior) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red Base (top) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red Base (opening) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red Back Area [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Cave Opening [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Cave Interior [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Blue Rock Incline [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Blue Incline Sightline (top) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Blue Base (exterior) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Red Cliff Rock [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Blue Cliff Arch [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage]
Well with the picture i think is the best remake of Blood Gulch but i still need to play a game on it to say that is the best . Question: Did you put the Fuel Road Gun on the Red side hill ?
The PC version is different from the original so you might want to change the name to Blood Gulch Anniversary PC or something. Just a suggestion.
Remember guys, this is going to be a remake of the Xbox version of Blood Gulch. The only reason the pics are from the PC version is b/c they were easier to upload. The map itself is exactly the same in PC and Xbox. The only difference is the vehicle/weapon layout which I will be placing the original weapons/vehicles from the Xbox version. I did a lot of research on many of the other Blood Gulch remakes that I had seen posted here and other good ones I had come across. Some of them had really good ideas on how to build certain parts, but I didn't want to just copy someone else's work so I tried to take the same concepts and rebuild them from scratch in my own way. Remember though, this is still a beta and I plan on making updates/changes to make it as close to the original as I can. I also plan on making multiple versions as well such as an Xbox version, PC version, and my own edited version to help make the map a little more balanced.
I would remove those colosseum walls that you have under the bases. I understand why they're there, but they're not really necessary and they just...ugly.
Those actually make a big difference. On Hemmorhage, the depression around the base gives people in and around the base cover from the surrounding hills. The coliseum walls eliminate that cover and raise the base so it should be possible to snipe from one base to another now. I agree with you that they should be removed, but for a completely different reason.
Very nice remake off blood gulch lots more detail put into it then other remakes I have seen of blood gulch.
It's... BEAUTIFUL!!!!! *cries in corner due to nostalgia. I've seen "remakes" where all people have done are rotate the bases and move some rocks, but you got every detail as close as possible, and actually turned Bungie's abbysmal remake into something from our dreams.
I like it unlike all the other "true" remakes you actualy changed something, as opposed to moving a few rocks around. hope you can work the vehicle's as well. good luck on your map!