Mythic DLC Blood Drive

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by forgenarb, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    Blood Drive

    So this is my remake of gears of war's blood drive. i made it in the top of the crypt, partly to save objects, but mostly because i like the lighting up there. this map took me a rediculously long time to make, but i think it turned out well.

    so here are some pics that i found online of the original blood drive, if you've never played it before.

    and now onto the pictures of my remake :
    the ramps leading into the bases, the aesthetic vehicles were removed in the regular version:[​IMG]
    the spawn room from the outside:[​IMG]
    inside the spawn room:[​IMG]
    the blue hallway:[​IMG]
    hallway window room, overlooking the centeral walkway ( firebomb replaced with SMG in halo 3 variant)[​IMG]
    ending room of the hallway, leading into the centeral walkway [​IMG]
    right outside of the ending room, with flamethrower spawns ( flamethrower replaced with shotgun in halo 3 variant) [​IMG]
    view of the centeral walkway, with splazer spawn ( splazer replaced with brute shot in halo 3 variant ) [​IMG]

    i couldnt get an overview of the map, so here is an underview:[​IMG]
    ( if your still wondering about the layout of the map, it is very close to the overview of actual blood drive that i put in the spoiler )

    so i made 2 maps, one for my custom gametypes which is much more accurate, and one that i tweaked to play well on regular halo 3 slayer, flag and hill.

    the weapon set for the gears of war map:
    2 magnums, no clip ( boltok pistols)
    2 firebomb grenades ( ink grenades )
    1 splazer ( torque bow )
    1 flamethrower ( scorcher )
    all at 60 respawn time.
    the gametypes have 90% speed, 200% gravity, assault rifle and shotgun starts, no shields with 200% resistance, and 10 second respawn synchronized with your team, you are also invincible for 4 seconds after spawning to prevent any possible spawn camping. warzone also only gives you one life.

    the weapon set for the regular version is
    2 brs, 20 second respawn, 1 clip
    2 smgs, 45 second respawn, 1 clip
    1 brute shot, 90 second respawn, 1 clip
    1 shotgun, 90 second respawn, 1 clip
    and there are also 6 plasma grenades, 4 with 45 second respawn, and 2 with 20 second respawn.
    i also added more spawn points to the regular version, so it would play better.

    btw, in the regular version after all the tests i've done, i have only been able to break the map by doing a butterfly jump where both players had brute shots and double boosted me up to the top

    download links

    gears of war version

    warzone (1 life slayer)

    gaurdian (VIP)

    annex (KOTH0

    halo 3 version

    special thanks to combatgam3r and all of my other testers for the feedback, it was greatly appreciated.
    #1 forgenarb, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    wow this is a really nice remake, this and jacinto were my favorite maps on GoW2. You should use that forging ability to make Ruins, cause IMO that would be an awesome 2 sided CTF map, because i don't have hope in making it
  3. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Loks pretty much exact to the Map in GoW. I just wonder why vechicles are there? They cannot be drven since the lack of room for them so them seem kind of pointless.

    Overall, looks neat, seems balanced and hopefully will provide awesome gameplay.l
  4. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    the vehicles are just for aesthetics, because in the actual thing there is a train there, and the vehicles are oln, so i just said why not.
  5. BigdogII7

    BigdogII7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played on this map last night, it plays real nice. I personally have issues with the spawn rooms but since it is a remake it's fine. good luck with the contest

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