Amazing I don't know what to say. This is the best lockout remake I've seen. The memories of playing on lockout come through so much more when looking at your map than they do when looking at Bungie's Blackout. You really paid attention to all the small details. If there is a better lockout remake out there, I've not seen it. Great work.
Awesome job man! I love how accurate it is to the orignal Lockout. If the map was allowed for the contest it would win it hands down in my opinion.
I just noticed that you forgot to set the red columns in the shotgun hallway to spawn at start. Make sure you fix that.
This map is very well made and is as accurate as possible. Great job on the interlocking too. I will definitely be downloading this map. 5/5.
Looks very nice, very accurate to lockout. I hate blackout though, they messed up all the original things i loved about lockout. I don't do remakes really but I'll dl and try this cause i love lockout <3 I hate how blackout doesn't incorporate the same grenade tactics as lockout. You could improve your map if you did here (throwin grenades off ceilings/walls to bounce into sniper/br3/sword/library ect ) I was a nade ***** on lockout.
This map is aesthetically amazing... It looks exactly like Lockout, and everything is really smooth. The gameplay is great (obviously – its a nearly perfect remake of a great map!), yet I believe there are one or two jumps that can be made in this map that were unable to be made in Lockout (correct me if I'm wrong on this as I haven't played Halo 2 in a while, and even if there were some minor differences, they haven't affected gameplay much). Great job on this remake, it's a shame that this map isn't allowed to be entered into the remake competition.
That's great news that the jumps are indeed possible. Also... yeah, openramp-to-br3 was probably the most complicated jump in Halo 2 (excluding superbounces). A lot of people did not know about it. [Pulling that jump off still gets a lot of "wtf"s from people]. The reason the railing of BR3 is blocking the jump is because on the original Lockout, you did not jump from the doorframe to BR3. Instead, you had to bounce off the doorframe, hit the antenna base (visible in the first picture you have of Lockout), and then bounce over the railing on BR3. Your map does not include this antenna, which explains why this jump is not possible. Add that, and you'll make my day. [Of course, you should probably attempt to recreate this jumps complexity and keep it as un-obvious as possible. It's inclusion in the map is not as important as maintaining the fact that it was a relatively unknown and complicated jump that's completion demonstrated a true mastery of the level] If there are any other jumps I forgot about, I'll be sure to come back and let you know. It seems like you're dedicated to making this the best Lockout remake you can, and I can't explain how happy that makes me. As an afterthought, I figured I'd mention the jumps into and out of the library window. Your window looks plenty big to accomodate these jumps, but just in case: On Lockout, you could jump from library window to... 1. [the bridge between BR2 and Library] 2. [the bridge between Top Mid and Library] 3. [the bridge between BR2 and Top Mid] 4. [the bridge between Underglass and Sword] I expect these would be possible because (a) Master Chief has an 8 foot vertical leap in Halo 3, and (b) your Library window looks enormous. --- Anyway, I'd love to help you with this map, but I currently am without an xbox. I asked my friend to download / run around on it for me, and he said he liked it but he thought it was a little bumpy [I have no idea how picky he is about these things, but he does tend to be a ***** about forged maps] and that S3 was too high in comparison to BR3. Once again, I have no idea whether he is correct in complaining about these things, but I figured I would let you know about his criticisms in hopes that you could at least look into it.
Lockout was one of my favorite maps in halo 2, i was amazed when they brought it back as blackout in halo 3 and now blackout/lockout/blockout is in sandbox! Youve surely taken the time to make a near perfect remake and if there was another contest youre the winner. 5/5 and a DL
Yeah the "Remake-maps-that-have-already-been-remade-contest". *Zing* It's O.K as far as maps in the skybubble go, and the safety railing's look kinda bad in places. Overall it looks good though.
The map looks great, but i have question on how you got the spawns perfect if you cant forge in halo 2? maybe you made an exact replica of blackout spawns and everything else lockout. Other than that, i believe it plays way better than black out and you got it exact to blackout and or lockout. 5/5
You posted this 1 minute ago and already have 30 replies? I posted a map 7 minutes ago and only have one view... Wierd. Looks good but I realy don't want to download because I already have a map that looks just like this on halo 3... Its called blackout.
Loaded up halo 2 and killed myself a couple hundred times until I figured out every point you could spawn at. I posted this 2 days ago.
Okay, I'm too damn lazy to buy Halo 2, but I never understood why people hated Blackout. Just from these pics, I can see differences between lockout and blackout. This looks extremely accurate, but I'm only judging by the pictures. However, I feel that because I stand on neutral ground to how lockout plays compared to blackout. So I'm going to download and play it and give a proper review.
Hey man does this have the same super bounce like in halo 2? JK man it looks really good and it looks like its just to scale I've already DL so once again man good job. It would be cool to have the super bounce some way though dont u think.
Dude. Wow. 'bottom lift' pic: Nostalgic Win. I'm going to download this straight away, thank you insane amounts for this remake. EDIT: I just downloaded this. Well, tried to. Keeps telling me the file transfer fails - and I even deleted some maps to make space, so it's not the 100 map cap I've reached. Why can't I download this?
After seeing the first picture I will admit I go "meh", but after scrolling down I realised how wrong I was and downloaded instantly.. I just had to see this masterpiece for myself. The biggest thing that stands out for was how spot on you got that scaling of the map..Everything feels and looks the right size. Also it is very obvious how much planning would have had to go into making this map. It would probably be one of the more difficult remakes to pull off as everything has to line up properly like all the drop downs and ramp to ramp jumps.. Really really well done man, its one of the most accurate remakes I have ever seen. I will give one little critiscism though and its only my personal view. I didn't really like the large ramps standing on top of the map..I would use these or other objects to make something with a design or something. But hey thats just me and don't let that take away anything from this work of art.. Its a keeper for me and I will show it to anyone who complains that they can't get things right on Sandbox
For a long time I never bothered with remakes I just never saw any creativity on the actual forgers behalf. However your map has shown me the light, ok a little over exagerated but, your map has convinced me there is an art to remakes your detailed bridges and overall layout show how much time you put into this incredibly acutate and overall fun map.
Wow what a remake, I haven't seen one this good yet, although I'm sure you probably know this but Lockout isn't part of the remake contest, at least I dont think. Well great use of scenery, and the use of wood bridges gives the whole map a cool feel.
This is a great remake. I downloaded yesterday and played a few matches with a friend on it, and i enjoyed it more then playing on Blackout. Great map, good job.