I have been working on HighRail for a long time now, but fixing the problem with people getting out seems to be impossible (at least for me alone) to figure out. i have used every crate, barrier, teleporter, weapon holder and several: turret cases and power-ups too try to block the paths off. but after countless hours of trying to get this to work it only takes a couple of minutes to find some way out. It's really slap to the face when you work so hard using every item and blocking technique you have, and people would rather play in the barren area in the middle then the place you worked so hard on. and when ever i try and fix an issue... like people getting lost by using invisibility and over shields to show which way takes you to Red base and blue base, people leave the level to go get one then come back in and fight. It's really starting aggravate me, and I’m starting to think that its not worth the trouble because, who would play a glitchy CTF on Epitaph, when half the effort and time could make a better map on foundry? :-\ but if you want to take a look a it its: here (4th slot, called HighRail v3.5)
The hill technique would not work as it's designed for objective games too, Insanedrone. I have some suggestions after taking a look last night Asper: The shield doors with grav lifts behind but no teleporters to throw you through them work fine in blocking people in. So one of the two troublesome areas where you can break out could be fixed by removing the teleporter paired with the grav lift (the one near red base?). It's sender node counterpart would have to be removed or adjusted, but I believe that by removing the amount of teleporters you can make the map easier to memorise (I can see it being rather confusing for someone wanting to pick up and play) and at the same time free up some objects to help reinforce problem areas better. You may not like it, but trying to seal up the map as it is now is much more problematic than changing the layout. This may seem unattractive to you as I'm sure you spent a fair amount of time setting it up as it is and it may pain you to change things like this, but I would suggest you save the map with a new name to keep a backup, and then try it out.
I deffinatly dont like the idea of changing the layout, i just got it how i like it... I will try a few more things but i guess if they don't work I may have to change the layout. anyway, thanks for the help.
Yeah, sorry to suggest it - I figured you'd be unhappy at the thought. You seemed a bit frustrated over it, understandably, so I hope you do find a way to fix it as it is. But I think that whichever way, it's definitely not impossible, so good luck dude.