I'm working on an infection map, for a certain effect I want it to have where a lift spawns to shoot the player up to where they are stuck between the lift and ceiling, but then have something block the lift so the player comes down. The lift is under the floor by the way. The question might sound dumb, but I was wondering if there was certain pieces that lifts didnt go through so much, such as an example with gauss hog going through wall colliseum but not most of the other pieces.
I know that you can reverse the push of a vehicle cannon an make it pull instead. It has something to do with a 1way shield. Similar to a jump pad in the way it's built. I don't know any of the specifics so you might need to ask someone else.
I found the solution with one-ways like Kaos said. If you spawn one right on top of the lift it will negate it's effects, but will leave you unable to jump in its radius. The shield door can be hidden underneath of the floor so other than the inability to jump, there shouldn't be any problems with that.
What basket says is true but he can lower the man cannon enough so that when he put the 1way in it doesn't effect the players jumping in any way.
That's perfect, I have an effect where the elevator brakes where its like your falling so I want a lift, then where you can come back down to the floor. Thanks guys, hope it works.