Block Fort v2.1 (looking for feedback) BLOCK FORT v 2 . 1 Could a mod change the title of my thread to Block Fort v2.1 please? created by: Rest in Pieces Changes for v2.1: -Replaced Brace Larges for blocks/walls because they shifted on the map -added a soft kill boundary in the 2 gaps in the middle structure -switched the green/yellow team spawns so they would actually start at their color (Multi team purposes) Changes for v2.0: -Moved all the objects to be lined up in coordinates, so all the bases are in 99.9% perfect symmetry -The objects are colored by "object color" rather than "team: and color:team color." (only red/blue would show up in team games while as no colors show up in ffa) -Changed up the spawns and remade spawn zones -I kept the middle LOS blocker, but i opened Lines of sight so you can shoot from base to base, and from bridge to bridge -Changed the weapon set, 2 1-clip snipers, 2 jetpacks, hologram bottom mid, no extra frags, less DMR's, 2 needle rifles -Removed the mancannons in the back, they seemed idiotic and screws you up with the frame rate lag. Then added 2 struts for small cover -The only bad change is that it only supports CTF and FFA/TS as of now, but those are the only mlg gametypes right now. However more will come -The health packs and the plasma nades didnt change Here are some new screenshots in attempt to grab your attention: Red and blue base, compared to each other, and compared to the yellow/green bases The new look for red base (along with the others) 1st person view: Base to base 1st person view: catwalk to catwalk (for possible early game snipe-offs) Background/Description: As many of you well know, this map is based off of Block fort from Mario Kart 64. However, this map is a version completely revamped to play competitive gametypes. This idea came to me somewhere in July, and i was gonna try it on halo 3. I was about a 3rd of the way through it and my mind was going blank. after all the hard work, i couldn't decide what to do next, so i decided to take a break on it. I never got back to it for H3, so i knew this would be my first project on reach. This map took me about 12-15 hrs to make (including taking time to think), but only 1/4 the frustration. In halo terms, its an mlg 4-way inverse symmetrical map, with bases connected by mid level bridges and high level catwalks. I would have released this earlier but i had problems getting the gametypes to work. Weapon Set: I am not very adapted to all the new weapons, so the only weapons on here are DMR's, snipers, and a rocket launcher. -8 DMR's (2 at each base) -2 Sniper Rifles (on 2 opposite catwalks bases) [1 spare clip;118sec] -8 plasma nades (2 on the mid-level back corners of each base) -2 Jet packs (on the opposite sides where the snipers arent at, next to the healthpacks) -4 Health Packs (on each side between bases) -2 needle rifles (at the sides under the snipers) -1 hologram (bottom mid, where rockets were) Note about jetback: you can lift to the catwalks only if you jump and use it at the right time, its not so hard though k i've said enough so here are the screenshots: View of back base (blue in this case) Partial overview View of Side View of Bottom Mid (rocket spawn) View of Hallway (Y-intersections) Note: The bases are color-coded red, blue, green, yellow, but only in team games will the colors show up (because i used the 'team' property + team color instead of just picking the color). The colors are not in the screenshots because they were taken in an ffa game. Download Block Fort v2.1 ~Hope you enjoy
awesome makes me wana play in mongooses haha. great job skyscraper might be a good one for halo too, in fact doubledeck would be even better
Double deck might not be so good for shooting, but definitely for Rally or some battle rally game with teams of 2
looks good looks pretty sweet. i check it out. my friends love mlg gametypes.(its like they think there better than me or something...(rolls eyes)
thanks man.... and v2 may be coming soon. mostly making the bases have perfect evening (because i did not focus on coordinates enough), and throwing out a new weapon set. and some other alterations
DLd one of these in foundry a long time ago that played ok, yours looks alot different and alot better. It also plays tons smoother than the H:3 version. Good job.
Well of course it does, its Halo: REACH, they made Fore World, they made objects phased so we don't have to take a week on one section of a map ghost merging. I like this map though, I love the underground tunnels as well, its like a secret passage, lol.
thanks for the comments guys I just got it ready for v2 now Changes for v2: -Moved all the objects to be lined up in coordinates, so all the bases are in 99.9% perfect symmetry -The objects are colored by "object color" rather than "team: and color:team color." (only red/blue would show up in team games while as no colors show up in ffa) -Changed up the spawns and remade spawn zones -I kept the middle LOS blocker, but i opened Lines of sight so you can shoot from base to base, and from bridge to bridge -Changed the weapon set, 2 1-clip snipers, 2 jetpacks, hologram bottom mid, no extra frags, less DMR's, 2 needle rifles -The only bad change is that it only supports CTF and FFA/TS as of now, but those are the only mlg gametypes right now. However more will come -The health packs and the plasma nades didnt change
Okay, are you going to update the map on this thread or make a new thread, because if your making a v2, I will wait to download then.
After seeing what youve done with the original concept of block fort i have to say, im impressed. When you said you were remaking it i was thinking you meant a straight remake which didnt seem like it would work to me. But honestly this looks good, the height variations are nice, thank goodness you didnt just leave the ground floor all the same height. Good job on this, im looking forward to some original maps from you.
i see that you caught me when i made that quote. Anyways, thanks a lot though. The only thing that worried me was the middle LOS blocker, so i actually just opened it up for shooting across the bases or the catwalks. Alright well glad you took a look into it
Oddball would play very well on this map. I ran a 1v1 on it last night, and it's not that it's confusing it's just there are so many routes that a great objective holder could decide the fate easily in an oddball match. Overall great map and use of scale, symmetry is spot on. -Anni Podtacular | The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast
When mlg decides the gametypes for oddball, koth, and any new gametype, i'm gonna impliment them onto this map. I would've set oddball up anyways, but i already have something placed in the middle, so idk where to place it. Then as for king, i don't understand the sequences yet, because i tried for another map and it never worked right.