Bloc 22

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ezekeil20five17, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    Inner city violence just got worse LARGE URBAN CITY MAP 8-16PLYRS SLAYER ST.PILE KOTH CTF

    Bloc 22 is a large urban city block inspired map designed for big team parties.There are 6 buildings all with multi level interiors and roof tops.A big part of the design was to create multi level gameplay with out creating any over powering positions.

    14 players is ideal but 16 is great slayer, stockpile and crazy king work best

    Each of the towers can be ascended and descended leaving the player relatively unscathed and the 4 outer buildings are connected to each other with 4 man cannon sending players up or across the map quickly to make a big map reasonably quick to navigate

    The outer 4 buildings are also hills/territories/flag spawns

    The 2 outer towers,the church and the office block function as bases and are not connected to any other building. Each has a lower and upper balcony the lower can be accessed on foot via ramps inside and the upper can be accessed by the man cannon in each base

    There was a lot I had to cut from this map, my rooftop zen garden, the bars in the pub and my trains, due to framerate and budget issues but I am still really pleased with the overall look and more importantly the way it plays




    THE CHURCH (of inclinology)

    The church serves as the blue base and contains 1 dmr and a single plasma grenade, a grenade launcher on the lower balcony and it also has a high, but restricted firing position



    The skyscraper has and entrance on either side and a raised interior, there is a shotgun in the center

    There is a vechile man cannon connecting to the rooftop where there is a falcon (I am only going to say this once, the falcon does not overpower this map) and a man cannon connecting to the observation tower

    The skyscraper can also be descended by falling on to the ramp bridges at the bottom of the man cannon side

    A warthog spawns outside, on the bridge side

    interior ground level



    On the ground level there is a health pack, plasma grenade and a plasma pistol. It is connected to the upper level with a v. man cannon that propels the player straight up and through a one way shield onto the upper level where there is a man cannon connecting to the pub

    The tower can be descended by jumping from the canyon side to the rock arch

    A mongoose spawns outside




    In the pub there is a shotgun in the center, behind whats left of the bars and a concussion rifle on the upper level where, out on the balcony, there is a man cannon connected to the station rooftop

    There are also entrances front and rear

    The pub is not high enough to cause fall damage

    Just outside the pub on the bridge side spawns a rocket hog, great fun on this map!


    THE STATION (the train got cut!)

    Agian there are entrances front and rear, it contains a health pack, plasma grenade and a plasma pistol. The balcony can be accessed from the ramps inside or by running down the glass from the rooftop, you can also run back up but as this provides a good position it requires jumping

    The balcony is not high enough to cause fall damage

    On the station roof there is a man cannon connecting to the skyscraper

    A mongoose spawn outside




    The office black serves as the red base inside there is a single plasma grenade and dmr and a grenade launcher on the lower balcony which can be accessed by the ramps inside

    The upper balcony can be accessed by the man cannon inside

    upper balcony



    The bridge is right in the center of the map and provides cover and a great focal point. In the center there is a pair of plasma grenades and a hammer on the top and underneath there is a laser, right in the middle



    Behind the ramp roadblocks are rocket launchers spawn on either side


    DISHES (were bandstands got cut!)

    The dishes provide cover for the team respawn points and there is a focus rifle on both the red and blue sides, there are also team spawns in either bases, and neutral spawns across the map

    I have lost count of the amount of epic moments this map creates so download, play and recommend!

    I am really pleased with the way this map turned out but it wouldn't be as good without those who helped test so THANK YOU!!!!!

    #1 ezekeil20five17, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I had a wonderful time during testing of this one. The highlight of this map is the flow. It felt great, ascending and descending the tall structures with the greatest of ease. Jet pack is the way to go on this one. As such it doesn't cater to mass appeal nor is it super-competitive, but what do I care about that? This is one of those epic moment creators that I find always to be underrated.

    I thought it recreated all the virtues of Spire with a plurality of towers working in it's favor. The weapons and vehicles are nicely balanced, a consideration that I can tell you took seriously.

    Great job Zeke.
  3. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Love the design and uniqueness of all of the buildings, doesn't really fit my gameplay preference but I love the look... epic forging!
  4. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I'm glad you enjoyed it I do agree that its not exactly super competitive due to the buildings being different, I couldn't and wouldn't make 6 identical buildings, but I have played many non jetpack games and they play just as well if not better

    As for no mass appeal I knew it wasn't going to be popular but I build maps for me and I love it, like I love the phrase "epic moment creators"!

    thanks Indie!

    Thats ok intense epic action isn't for everyone
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice buildings. It looks like you took your time to come up with a creative building plan. Only one thing I'm not too particular of is, the church. In my opinion, putting a church in a shooting game is kinda disrespectful. It's not a huge deal though. Other wise this city looks great. I'll have to check it out for myself when I get my xbox back ;)
  6. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I don't think its disrespectful as 1. As I said in the thread the names aren't literal 2. The church dosen't contain a crucifix or any other real world iconography and 3. it's one 7th of a map and it is not the central focus of the map

    Having said I am building an accurate church map, not to insult religious people, because it can be made from the shapes available

    Please remember not everyone is religious
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello! Great work on this map and post . I know you have tested this lots . I enjoyed testing and the variation in play in different gmetypes. I like how u have positioned rocket where less play was on the map. A clever way to keep map dispersed. Also i like the way in stockile the flags in the buidings got more play . The post and pictures are great and add more depth to the map. Nice structures and church
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    Thank T glad you like the map

    The weapon placement I did early on and it didn't really change but placing objectives came out of feedback from the testing

    Its also nice to know the post works

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