Well, I made a map. It's simple and not too unique, but it's fun if you've got enough people. Blitz lives up to its name. Only the words "lightning warfare" describes the general atmosphere when this map is played with a decent amount of people. It is essentially a fast-paced territories map. It is set in a small area not blocked in, but if you want to go away from the objectives and pick enemies off from a distance, have a nice time making your team lose. The capture time of each territory is set at 10 seconds, and there are five territories. All of the territories have a piece of equipment. Each team has a territory at their starting point. There are also territories above with a laser and below with the main complex with a sword nearby. The last territory (on the right) overlooks the Overshield and my overly (mmm..mmm alliteration) unnecessary measures taken to secure a container. Also, a conveniently placed shotgun. Gametypes: Blitzkrieg: Territories where when one is captured, it is not locked. Blitzkrieg Grab: The equivalent of Land Grab for this map. If you think something needs tweaking just tell me. Note: The URLs are in bold.
I really like the idea of this map, it encourages team work and strategy for which territory you should get. I'll test it out to see if it lives up to my expectations
Not bad at all. A few suggestions, though: in one picture, you've got a lot of stuff placed up against the side of Camp Froman. I'm glad that you've got plenty of balanced weapons in there, but have you considered putting them on a table/crate? It sorta looks like you just leaned them all up against the wall (you did) because you had no better place to put them. The concept is great, and I like the fact that it's not boxed in, because that always make morons want to get out. Just make it purty, and it'll rock our faces off.
When you say against the side of camp froman, do you mean on the top part or side of the structure near each base?
Not to rain on your parade or anything but blitzkrieg translates directly into flash war or lightning war. The Germans used this style of fighting where they would bomb an enemy position with artillery or mortar fire then quickly send a group of soldiers to prevent a counter attack. But on to your map...From the picture and explantion, it looks OK. Not brilliantly made or anything but looks like it could be fun. I'll take a look later on.
im glad someone understood the meaning of blitzkrieg, i thought my definition was retarded until scardeypoopoo said sunzing
I thought I said that in my description. It's named that because it's supposed to move fast. I don't get how that's raining on my parade.
He meant it as a play on words, lighting warfare is fast-paced combat, just like you would find in this close quarters map.
Once someone queues it doesn't count as a download yet? ...and know I know. It looks kinda silly with your five stars and no downloads haha.
that comment would make me feel bad if i had a heart, too bad school ripped that outta me ouch, 1 DL...i'll help ye out...
Mine's stopped up like my nasal passages. I'll queue as soon as possible. Did you understand my suggestion, though (and, yes, whoever said the side was correct)?
Now I do, but the problem is sometimes when I go back to edit my map, it makes me save as. Can anyone help me there? I also noticed I had some weapons that were falling down from their placement; I'd fix those.
This happens (for some reason) if you play your map, then save it, then leave and go play something else. When you come back to forge you have to reselect it from the list of maps, if not it won't let you save over it. I have no idea why...
hey just to make sure you know I might not be on again tonight so don't expect feedback from me right away.
I was only expecting downloads right away because I thought it registered as a download when you put it in your queue. [/random]