
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    please rate and reply. thank you
    Metallic snake & Blazeisgod

    Blindside is an asymmetrical map made for mid-range battling. This map was greatly inspired by renegade as you can see by the flats and a few structures..

    The story behind the collaboration.
    (if you don’t care to read just make sure you give metallic snake the appreciation that he deserves)

    Basicly the same story as bayonetwork with Thesilencebroken . Metallic snake sent me an invite a while back so I could see and tell him what I thought about the map he was making at the tame. It wasn’t nearly don’t at all but I could tell metallic snake would have a name soon enough. Anyway a few days later he showed me again how far he got and it was close to finished. It look great as hell but there was some spots in it that just seemed like it needed a litter upper and he was also trying to think of another high point or 2 to spread the battle a little more so I asked if hed like me to help him with it. A dya or2 later I come back with it all fixed and had a few more ideas. I told him my ideas and we worked ad worked on them to make the map even more interesting. Once we were done I went and did most of the stuff for the gametypes while collaborating with him on where he would like the stuff to be and went through the weapon touch ups and what not.. soon near the end of that we decided to call it a joined project although it was about 60%/40% when he id 60%. Thanx metallic snake, im glad we got to do this. And sry to every1 for the long story.

    This map is great for party sizes of 8-10 and supports the following game types.
    Multi flag, 1 flag, CTF
    FFA oddball
    Team, FFA slayer
    1 bomb, neutral and multi bomb
    And jug.
    Preferred gametypes are 5 person FFA KOTH and 4v4 slayer..

    Weapons & Equipment

    spike grenades x4,
    plasma grenades x6,

    carbines x2,
    battle rifles x6
    smg x3,
    sword x1,
    spiker x 2,
    needler x1,
    mauler x1,
    plasma rifle x1,
    brute shot x1,
    rocket x1,
    sniper x1,
    AR x1,
    plasma pistol x1,

    bubble shield x2,
    regen x1,
    power drain x1,

    invis x1.

    Here are some pictures.




    (the mohawk box) ​







    (you cant have a map like renegade if theres no man cannons :-D)​




    #1 Blaze, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
    nicjgoat, Bloumbas and monkeyrantz like this.
  2. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh my god, you did it ONCE again. I can't tell you how happy I am for this map so I'll make a 12 year old scream to show my appreciation.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn too slow.

    Forging as always looks wonderful, props to Snake or Blaze, who ever did most of it.
    It seems very ground oriented, it looks like a very different style of map. Low yet complex. I'll dl and take a good look at it. I really like what I see, especially what's shown in the last picture.
    #3 Linubidix, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
    Metallic Snake and Kagemusha like this.
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you, for the glad i could have helped make said scream. eeeeeeeekkkkkk(from a twelve year old)
    Vicious Vice and Blaze like this.
  5. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    This map looks amazing from all of the clean geo-merging and interlocking! Both Metallic Snake and you Blaze, did a great job on making this map, I am downloading and will rate it when I get back from testing it (because I don't know if I won't like it, but I doubt that!. Great job Blaze and Metallic.

    P.S It appears I am the first download on Bungie. Yay!
    #5 Ak Gumby, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    metallic did most of the geometry of the whole map.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Then props go to him, none for you.
    Nah, J/K. It looks great for Slayer.
    I'm more of a Slayer Player, so I think I'll like this.
  8. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    if this is the kind of stuff that snake is capable of producing there is no doubt in my mind that he will soo have a name that is recognized throughout the forum
  9. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    another map blaze... do you sleep honestly... some more good stuff from my favorite map maker. i havnt played it yet because its a little late to get a group but this will be played first thing tommorrow. as always it looks wonderfully forged and the designs is classic but different enough to interest me.
    im sure snake helped alot to so please forgive if i dont give enough credit its always hard to say good things about two people so please apply my comments to the both of you. i like ur aesthic touches on the map with the bridges and the slanted walls and elevated walkways. it looks very simple but the designs of the sections make its much more interesting

    p.s. you are a geomerging monster. i would like to see a smaller 2v2 map from you kinda like martyrdom but smaller. i think u got the large maps down lets see what u can do with a smaller pallet and seemingly endless supply
    #9 Vicious Vice, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
    Blaze likes this.
  10. the beefeater

    the beefeater Ancient
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    That would've taken forever to glitch the walls and boxes into the ground! Great work, i'd never have the pateince to do something like that. Great map overall, worth a download and a 5/5, but before i do - quick question: is there anything on the map you haven't Forge 101'd? lol. Great work.
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thanx for the great review vice. im glad to hear that from you. as for the smaller maps.. check out mymaps black and blue, and haymaker. if you havent that is. i didnt spend very much time on them but there still really good asfar as every1 says and also in my own opinion.
  12. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    I just read the story, not that long Blaze and you know it. Correct the story, well don't want you to be a noob with this.
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    huh? o_O
  14. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    Nvm then, and I already sent my regards for this map.
  15. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    Now that i have actually walked through and seen this first hand i have to say i was completely blindsided. this is incredibly well put together. i like maps where i can move from one point to another in multiple fashions depending on the situation and this map has that. 9.9/10. If only you didn't have to work with the colors on foundry then this map would be truely epic
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well i have to say, i loved making this map, took me a few days for alot of the geomerging, but im glad it came out well. but blaze came along and made it better, adding a few small, and not small touches that really flushed out in the end. im glad one of my maps has finally made it here, THE HUB OF FORGE!(said in a heroic but not at all gay/retarded way)
  17. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    I'm gonna keep an eye on you cause i got a good feeling that this kind of stuff will become regular with you
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    the hub of forge FTW. if you get picsof your newest project i will add it to the end.i loved helping out and mking this map with you andlike i said i hope todo it again. very1 look out here ain a few weeks for more maps of mine and mine with other great forgers you all know.

    i know what hes working on and i know no1 will be disapointed..
  19. N1NJ4

    N1NJ4 Ancient
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    If blaze says it's good then it's gonna be Epic
  20. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Aha! I remember getting a sneak peak of this map. =D (Thanks Blaze!)

    But yeah, it's like I said. This map looked really good. (I love how you implied your curbstomp fence wall work too) But yeah, this map is cool. I can see some really nice slayer going on in this map. >=)


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