Sandbox Blind Man

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by pinkdozey, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. pinkdozey

    pinkdozey Forerunner

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    The goal of this map is to avoid the blind man and become the last man. The blind man has 4x oversheild and a hammer(humans can always see him), humans have plasma pistols and semi-active camo. The map is basically just a rectangle with a roof and is pitch black! last man is bonus points, assassinating the old man is negative. once killed you become the infected also. there is one flare use it wisely, probably on the last pesky child that is hard to find.

    A few kids are playing baseball in the street when little jimmy hits a homer straight into old man Jenkins's yard. the kids think nothing of it and casually stroll into the yard. they know the old man is blind as a bat, but when they enter his yard the gate slams behind them. trapped the kids panic and start yelling(shooting plasma). Old man Jenkins may be blind, but he can hear awfully well. Stay away long enough and hopefully he will get tired and give up(round ends).

    Inside view lit

    outside view lit

    outside view Dark

    Humans spawn in the corners of the map, Zombies spawn in the middle. Hint: hit a lot and try to set off the running lights, makes the human easier to see. there is a teleporter inside the building so if you're in forge and you don't spawn in the building just make a teleporter and set it to channel 1. the guardians will be shooting at you so there is a lot of background noise, and sometimes the guardians make it through and kill .so.... sorry if that happens, but i does add a little spice to the game!

    Download IT!

    Map : Halo 3 File Details

    Game : Halo 3 File Details

    Created by:pinkdozey, and odorofdeath
    #1 pinkdozey, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  2. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    seems like a pretty fun game. The Guardians being unblocked isn't bad, but getting killed by them ocassionally seems like it would be annoying. other then that, Aesthetic wise it could be better. Maybe make it look like your in a yard lol.
    1. make it surrounded by a big fence.
    2. make a gate
    3. possibly make a house to go with it. Maybe just a porch or front view.
    4. make trees, a fountain, pool.

    these are just idea's. many of them however would not be easily made out in the bumpy sand. and other then the darkness, there wasn't really a need to build it out there. Not completely sure, but i think you can get it pretty dark in the crypt with a couple lighting affect's.

    Overall it is a really cool idea. I haven't personally heard of a map like this or at least with that backstory lol so 5/5 on originality.
  3. pinkdozey

    pinkdozey Forerunner

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    thats the point of the game, to see him and him to not see you... like he's blind
  4. GearBox12

    GearBox12 Forerunner

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    That wouldn't make sense, it's pitch black!!!!!

    That wouldn't make sense, it's pitch black!!!!!
  5. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    On topic, I really want to see how this plays out. I would think that the gamertag above their head would be and easy spot for the blind man, but on the other hand it might be a good game. Ive never liked pitch black maps, but the theme of a pitch black map seems cool, I"ll give it a try, and fill you in on the details.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good idea, but it looks a bit big for a small party, pehaps you may want to add that into your write up.
    while im on the topic of the write up, AKA stands for Also Know As, not an example, you may want to fix that to Ie, or Ex.
  7. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    Sadly, this game wasn't what I expected it to be. Sure the map was pitch dark, and the most pitch dark Ive ever seen, but the gameplay was quite boring. First, the game got old quick. While the blind men spread, they spread quick, and crowd the map, which I thought was good. I disliked losing points for an assassination, I would think that promoting the kids towards the blind men would promote the gameplay, and add a fun element to the game, other then sitting in a corner.

    A serious problem I found was that after a round, the common "Oversheild Human" lag occurred. This was a real downfall, and all of the kids were visible, and took a large chunk of fun out of the game.
    With the map, several times running around I was shot down by the guardians. You should look through the ceiling, boarding up all of the small holes and cracks. The ceiling wasn't completely covered. Other then all of those, I liked the idea of the game, but the finished product just came out dull.
  8. pinkdozey

    pinkdozey Forerunner

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    i totally understand. im just to lazy to re-forge it. you have to lag out the map and then forge or the guardians will kill you. i wasn't sure about the assassination thing cause if the blind man just kept getting killed that wouldn't be very fun either, But thats why i posted it to see some flaws me and my friends couldn't find.
  9. nathstoke

    nathstoke Forerunner

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    To me it looks like loads of objects just thrown in a pile... Not worth downloading sorry.
  10. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    Give him a Positive Comment at Least or something / Anyways you should Block the Guardians by Finding a Canvas Map and Make a Better 1 with some Scenary and stuff
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    To me that looks like loads of spam just thrown in a post... Not worth compassion sorry.

    Next time, you could try this; "The map looks sloppy, and it appears like you didnt take the time to actually make it neat or even bother with any of the aesthetics. Since i am not a tool, i will download this and take a closer look to make sure of my opinions. I think that you could have taken much more time to make it worthwhile, and added some things to the map to improve gameplay. However, the actual gametype sounds pretty cool and its a really good idea. Good job overall, i can see many fun and entertaining games coming out of this in the future!."Do you see the difference? My post helps with the map, it informs him that some people may not have liked it, and it also is positive. Three imperetive details.

    @pinkdozey: Just read everything in red and ignore the rest of the post.
  12. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should atleast give him tips on what he could improve on next time

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