Blind Man: Reach

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by pinkdozey, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. pinkdozey

    pinkdozey Forerunner

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    Blind man Reach started as a crappy map made by me and odorofdeath. it's evolved into something most of our friends enjoy playing, and quite the novelty game.

    Back story: Little jimmy just started playing ball at his local school yard. since he's the new kid his job is to retrieve any lost balls. one day fat Tony, the local home run champ, hit a zinger into left field. as the ball flew toward the outfielders they knew it would be a home run. so, little jimmy grabbed his cap, and headed out to retrieve the ball. As little jimmy looked for his ball, he stumbled upon an abandoned house. He's never noticed it before and, and thought it was very curious. jimmy looked, and took a double take. His ball was in the yard of the abandoned house!!!!!! As jimmy walked in, the gate slammed behind him. Scared stiff, jimmy ran with no regard to his direction and was soon lost. "EEEEEEEKKKK" jimmy hears in the distance, and the house's front door slowly crept open. a decrepit old man walked onto the front porch. "WHO THREW THIS BALL INTO MY YARD!!!!!!!!!" a silence came over jimmy as he tried to stay hidden. "WHO EVER THREW IT, ILL BE BACK FOR YOU, AND THE OTHERS, TONIGHT!" the old man yelled. as the old man creped back into his house, jimmy began to wonder what would become of him, and who were the others? Wandering through the sea of long uncut grass jimmy finds a group of small boys huddled around a fire. a small Negro child stand and invites jimmy to the circle. He informs jimmy that this house was quarantined years ago for a "reason unknown" and that the old man was accidentally locked inside the house. The sunlight fades, and the boys get ready for their punishment. "EEEEEEEKKKKK" The front door open again. "YOU BOYS READY!?!" the old man says as he saunters out of his home. jimmy turns to see that the old man is holding a flare gun and his his rusty scythe. He takes his first step off the porch, and the boys scatter like mad. The old man, with surprising speed, gives chase. jimmy knows that the Negro child runs the quickest, and stays with him. As the night lingers on jimmy starts to hear the pop and sizzle from the old man's flare gun, as he roots through the darkness for his next victim. jimmy then hears the numerous screams of his fellow boys. There goes Max, Dominic, Joey, And Dalton they're all dead. it was only him and the Negro child. Jimmy hits a corner of the yard and him and his friend brace for death. The old man bursts through the grass blinding them with his flare gun. jimmy hears a puncture noise, but doesn't feel any pain. He turns and looks to see the Negro child, stabbed though the stomach by the old man. "Man, Negros always dye first" he says with his dying breath. jimmy knows its his turn, the old man faces him, and it all goes black...

    Gameplay: So, as stated, there's one old man(zombie) who spawns in the middle of the completely dark square, which is underwater. The survivors(boys) spawn in the four corners around the zombie. The zombie is always visible, via waypoint and sword, and survivors have to stay away as long as possible. there are receiver nodes in the four corners of the map to keep you oriented.

    Zombie:Alright you, the zombie, will spawn in the middle and have A sword and a concussion rifle. your goal is to root out the survivors by shooting around with your rifle, and trying to make the survivors shields flare making them easily visible. once you've found your victim, it will take two sword hits to kill them. the two sword hits is to prevent killing with the rifle. once you kill a survivor they'll join your do have a motion sensor but it is very limited.

    Survivors: As a survivor, STAY ALIVE. you get the choice of hologram or evade, both very useful. holograms are surprisingly useful underwater. you get a plasma pistol, thats it. don't make yourself too obvious with it. you always know where the zombie is, and you can get hit twice by his sword.

    i love evade:

    Map: the map is basically a rectangle underwater. the water noise gets kind of annoying, but whatever. there is a white light and teleporters by the color fx, and a white light above the middle of the map.


    Holograms are super useful to distract the old man.

    Zombie being a derp:

    hope you enjoy this map! sorry for not the greatest pics, its really dark.
    #1 pinkdozey, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  2. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edited by merge:

    Hey your gametype doesnt work mate D:

    It isnt there t download!
    #2 Lyles, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Ok first off you should probably ask the original creator for permission to remake their idea. Second dont flame them saying yours is better, that does not show you think your map is better but instead you make theirs sound worse. Personally I like the Halo 3 version more. Also i doesnt seem like you actually put an effort into making this map. A couple walls then your done. That is not a map. 2/5 :p
  4. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    What are you talking about? He is one of the original creators. The original Blind man was flawed and you could see the humans, not to mention your blind underwater. What detail do you want?

    Anyway, I did enjoy the concept in Halo 3, and I'm looking forward to trying this out in Reach. Glad you remade it.
  5. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    Looks promising and I can't wait to try it, but one slight problem: you're gametype link isn't working for me.
  6. pinkdozey

    pinkdozey Forerunner

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    Thank you for the feed back. fixed the link, should be all good now.
  7. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    Nice one. I'll try it out tonight and give a bit more feedback.

    Edited by merge:

    Tried it out with three people last night and it was fun for the first few minutes, but then it got a bit stale. I love the idea of it, I think it just needs something to occasionally spice it up maybe?
    #7 AriiMoose, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  8. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I would first off like to apologize for my actions. I had no intentions of flamming you are putting you down. I do take back everything I said because I clearly did not read the post well enough to my ability. I did not see that you had mad the original and I am truly sorry. My actions might cost me but I assure you I am completely sorry and know I did wrong.

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