2nd map ive posted. this one was made in honor of an mlg foundry map. no gameplay, but if people would lke to post gametypes that would be great. It's kind of standard but fun for all. some pictures..... oh look an EASTER EGG. YELLOWS SIDE. RED SIDE MID FIElD this map is a good map to do 1v1 or 2v2 or just to mess around on. also this map is good for practice when your doing some mlg. because it has only mlg weapons. The reason for no big weapons is i hate the shotty the rockets and any other weapons that can just turn a loser into a winner, but knowing some people dont think that way i put in a sniper. Next post is most likely going to be infection... MAP: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Also check out my friend Echo Sq Leader's maps.... they are awsome!!!
Not bad a map the pallets on the bridge look a little sloppy you don't really need those either and i can't make out what the easter egg is supposed to be, part from that though it would probably make a good objective game type. 4/5 Nooooooooooooooooo i was first post a second ago damn you Jump4r and Lawful Chilli and Selena Gomez dosent have wings! GOD....
Well, I would make this playable for at least slayer. You should add some nice weapons and other things to improve gameplay such as equipment and other moveable objects. Finally, you should try a little interlocking to improve the aesthetics. REMEMBER: aesthetics= downloads.
ill give it 3/5 because it doesnt have much area to hide behind, if u add doors, walls, and other things it will be a 4.5/5 but other wise that it looks good, good job
This looks great,but my only suggestion for a V2 would be to add more cover. There's almost nothing to hide behind and thaat's what makes a map good.