Bleach Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Master Debayter, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Bleach Arena

    Note: This is my first post to forgehub, I know it's really good for a first post, so I've been told.

    Now, back to the map.

    The name bleach arena comes from the fact that I based this of the anime series Bleach. For those of you who know what that is good, but it's not important to the map. However, if you watch the show, think of the map this way: Humans are the shinigami and zombies are the hollows. Ok? Ok.

    The gametype works like this:
    The humans die in 2 hits by the zombies with 90% shield regeneration. They have infinite ammo and a forced color of black.
    Zombies have 50% damage resistance and a normal shield. They regenerate shields at a 50% rate and are white.
    Scoring is 2 points per zombie kill and 3 points per human kill.

    Here's a nice overview of the arena, pretty much the whole map arena (other than the zombie spawn):

    Basically, this is a survival map, where half of the players are humans and the other halfs is zombies, or "hollows". Humans are black and zombies are white. Easy distinction that way.

    Each human will spawn in their own fence box with their own combination of a weapon and equipment.
    Here are some of them:

    As you can see in the above picture, a dumpster spawns in the fence box after 20 seconds. Humans can get out that way, and its not confusing or difficult to get out.

    Anyway, let's focus on the zombies for a second. Here's where the zombies will spawn:

    They are held captive in that room for thirty seconds due to grav lifts pushing them away from the teleporters behind the safety of shield doors.

    They get rather aggressive in this time...

    In the arena, there is a rip in the sky formed by the hollows trying to make it into the human world.

    But after thirty seconds...

    The zombies break free and escape their world and fly into the arena.

    And so the long fight begins:


    It's quite the battlefield... look at all those corpses!


    30 seconds after the zombies go out onto the arena, or 60 seconds into the game, the first construction spawns.

    Another 30 seconds, or 90 seconds into the game, more construction spawns, along with an active camo.

    120 seconds into the game, a structure spawns, the start of a second level.

    After 150 seconds, a bridge spawns coming out of the previous structure mentioned above. No picture needed really...

    At the 180 second mark, the final area spawns along with the custom powerup, the prize of the game. You'll find out why when you play.

    Nine minutes still remain in the game after all the scenery spawns, so try to stay alive, ok?

    Here's a weapon list, for those who are concerned.

    Weapons on Map:
    Assault Rifle x 2
    Battle Rifle x 1
    Beam Rifle x 1
    Energy Sword x 4
    Gravity Hammer x 1
    Needler x 1
    Shotgun x 1

    Equipment on Map:
    Active Camo x 1
    Bubble Shield x 1
    Custom Powerup x 1
    Deployable Cover x 1
    Firebomb Grenade x 2
    Flare x 1
    Overshield x 1
    Power Drain x 1
    Radar Jammer x 1
    Regenerator x 1
    Trip Mine x 1

    Tips and Hints:

    • Work together to survive! You will die fighting alone.
    • Use your equipment wisely, don't just chuck it because you want to.
    • I wouldn't stay in your box for the entire match. It's either really unfair to the zombies, or the reason of your immediate death (and usually it's the second one...).
    • Use your spawn points to restock on anything. Even if you feel like changing weapons, you can in this map.
    • Two words: Beam Rifle.

    • Stay in groups. The larger the amount of zombies in one area, the more likely you will kill humans nearby.
    • Gang up on someone. If the humans abandon one of themselves for even a second, have every zombie go after the helpless victim.
    • Go for the powerup. Trust me, it helps, but it only lasts 30 seconds.
    • Use the construction in the arena to your advantage. If a human wants to camp in his spawning box, make him regret it and swarm.
    • Stay alive as long as possible! You gain strength after a certain time has passed.
    What I mean by that last zombie tip is this: Zombies are weakened a bit for the first 90 seconds after they spawn. But, if you stay alive past this time, then your damage resistance goes up, and you revert back to your original color.

    And you're definately stronger when you're like this.

    Now to finish it off with a...
    Screenshot Gallery!

    Swarm him!

    I'm glad I waited the 90 seconds.

    This is me owning it up with the beam rifle.

    This what I mentioned earlier, about what happens when you reach your immediate death by staying in your spawn box.

    Whew that was a long post...

    Anyway here are the...
    Download Links

    Map: Bleach Arena

    Gametype: Hollow Attack

    Download and comment, I want to know how I did on the map.

    Edit: I'm thinking about a version 2 right now, primarily focused on gameplay for the most part. I need to know what changes you guys will think make gameplay more fun and effective for a second version of this varient. Thank you.
    #1 Master Debayter, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    wow this actually looks very good. I was a bit skeptical at first thinking, o it's just some lame arena till I saw that it grew lol. And it looks like you got lots of guys to help you test it. I'll download it and get back later.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    personaly, i thought it was realy cool untill the scenery started to spawn. i think it would be better with it being gladiator style in your stadium of war. great idea
  4. digital cloudz

    digital cloudz Ancient
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    Great map. I'll dl
  5. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    this is actually really amazing, i love it.
    Its very well thought out and very very clean.
    I dont have anything to offer you about this or anything to say bad about it.
    Great job, keep making maps.
  6. jeten94

    jeten94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Job

    This was way better than any other persons first post . I can't wait to play this with people invite me if you have a custom game . I think it's cool how you can go back into your box to restock. So over all it's great!
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    it may be a standard arena map, but you definitely did it justice. i like how you incorperated the concept of bleach and the rip in the sky, anime+halo= t-bag(in a good way). the only thing i can complain about is if someone wants to be a douch, they can just stay in the starting fence box, a way to remedy this would be to set boxes or fusion coils to spawn, fall, and kill them at set intervals. then again this might catch somone who was just spawning there.

    cool concept though
  8. grand master RYU

    Senior Member

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    wow great idea, i love bleach!!!!! defo downloadin
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    wow you interlocked and made a good reference to bleach.
    at first i thought it was lame because it was only an empty arena, then i looked at the words and seen that stuff actually spawns w00t. anyway its not that original, the whole falling zombie thing. but this is great.
    also congrats on the first thread and map on FH
    map 4/5
    post 4/5
    gameplay 3/5
    layout 2/5
    overall 3.5/5
  10. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well the map looks pretty good and i like the whole crack in the sky idea. although the only problem i have with this is that it seems pretty unfair because when you go through the teleporter you get instantly raped by gunfire... unless you can fix this i dont really think it will be very fun for the zombies
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Rest assured that zombies have the upperhand in large numbers, otherwise the humans will dominate them. In every test match the most anyone survived was only up to seven minutes, not as much as I would have expected. In fact, some people in the party feel that the zombies are too overpowered. I think I'll get started on making a version 2 whenever I possibly can, so feel free to leave any suggestions towards that.
  12. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, I dont think Ive ever seen this done before so well done. I like how you made it a plain arena and then as time goes by stuff is added. Never seen that in a zombie game either.
    Im going to try and get a game on this later.
  13. deathdog1205

    deathdog1205 Ancient
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    looks really enjoyable. i like how u used a lot of timed buildings to make the game not repetitive. i am curious to see how the custom power-up allows you to win. 4/5 because there is probably spawn camping with the beam rifle and shotgun.

    P.S. thanks for a great first post, many people do not meet the requirements.
  14. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    No actually, there is no spawn camping, and camping the hole in the sky gets you raped. Also, it gets more and more difficult to kill zombies as more structures spawn since they have more cover.
  15. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    this map is awesome i love these spawn-over-time things and the fact that you through infection in makes it even better, and believe it our not your post is actually then some of the more experienced forgehubbers so kudos on that also how many hits does it take to kill the humans. you make it sound like its more than one but im not sure 4/5 and qued
  16. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    First thought:
    i like how the name works with how the zombie is white

    Second thought: wait...when the structures spawn couldn't you just go where the

    If you can't id give a 4.9/5

    If you can a 2.5/5 (maybe think of a way to fix in a v2)
    first structure spawns and annoy the CRAPout of the zombies (especially if they can't see the human's waypoint)?
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    It takes 2 hits to kill a human. That's it. Otherwise, it would be unfair, since health regenerates for humans at only a slightly lowered rate.
  18. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    looks cool! at first, i thought, "oh, just another one of those stupid big open arena maps" but the objects spawning into the round and stuff made it a whole lot better. just the fact that there are so many structures is a +. I love the concept, with the Bleach theme and the rift in the sky. love it! 5/5. keep up the good work.
  19. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    i like it, other than the stuff that spawns. You just just keep it a big old arena. It makes it seem like it would be more fun to me. And you can make the zombies go through man cannons, into teleporters to make them xplode through the teleporters to kill humans more easily
  20. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    when i first took a look i was like an arena...[sarcasm]exciting[/sarcasm]. but as i see that the timed events are very well constructed i am actually surprised. this is a very good map for your first post. the map could have its little improvement but all and all it is a good idea and nicely constructed, good job.

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