This is another race map I built from scratch. It is built for two to four players only. Some of you may remember TheOffroadDude who built the Endurocross maps, TexasMarksman33 is the same guy with new account. This is one of the three legendary maps I am building on. So, to download click to download click If you are big fan of Endurocross maps I built I build the fourth one and If you want to DL it, message me
Hmm... I am not sure if I understand. Can you go any way you want? Or are supposed to go in one direction (There doesn't appear to be anything that keeps you going in a linear direction.) Also, I have said this before that for me I need something that makes me say WOW when I see a race map. The only objects I see is four mongooses, a few doors, some cones, three teleporters, and a man cannon. This could be improved by using techniques such as interlocking to create smooth and interesting terrain. Also, you could you unmovable objects to keep players on one direct path (Unless you want players to roam free.)
I don't care for race maps all that much, but I can tell not much time was spent in cheat proofing this map. You probably just raced this with your friend and decided to post it because you had a good time.
This is not what forge hub is for. Please only post maps you actually think people will download and play on other than just your friends.
nice, but it looks like original blackout with mongooses. it has been awhile since i saw one on this level though
and is there even a link that works to dl it? i wasnt going to dl but i wanted to see how many people actually did
this is not a horrible map but i think you just kinda put stuff to follow a path and thats not very fun. It was a good idea though try to make it more interesting.