ok this is guna b my first up to standard map so here yes this is an actuall pic from it so play ball on this blackout mini bball course play ball
please put more pictures cos all i see is a picture of a ball and a basketball ring. please show what you have actually done. thanks liamjedimaster
Can u post some more sreenshots please, I would like to see some pics of the actual work you''ve done. Not a basketball and a basketball ring.
It seems to me like he thought he could bend the rules and post a picture that's in the map but staring at a wall. That way, no one could really see the content which I'm guessing is either so crappy he's ashamed to show it to people, or doesn't exist at all. What he didn't take into consideration though, is that this is forge hub and no one is really that stupid here. So he'll get zero downloads, negative rep, and be seen as someone with no life. If you were "curious" like me, and clicked on his name, you would have seen that every post he has ever posted is not up to standards or is spam. He has posted three threads with just a link to his "map" saying"go here for my cooliest map guys! It's got stuff and stuff and other crap that I won't mention because it's just so f***ing cool!" If you are reading this and posted this thread, please get a life, stop taking up the valuable time of others. Edit: Oh that negative rep you just gave me, it won't even phase me because I have so much good rep. You lose. Also, I see you didn't even change your post, furthermore confirming that you just posted to waste other people's time.
you might wanna chill instead as being as harsh as that help the guy out hes heard enough about how his thread isnt u to standards help him out. yo if you wanna get picks make an account on photobucket then upload your pics to it frm your screenshots on bungie.net after they are uploaded there is a few codes at the bottom copy and paste the (IMG) code its the bottom one and paste it where you want your pic to go once you post it you will see your beautiful pics of your beautiful map =) follow this guide line and you will be good i had trouble when i first started but people were more nicer than this....
No, this is his like eighth post that is not up to standards. He's doing it just to piss people off. If you read the description he says that this is gonna be his first post up to standards, because everyone is getting mad at him. But , instead of taking pictures of the map, he takes a picture at the wall. He's probably laughing his ass off behind his computer screen and your telling me to tell him how to embed pictures. He knows how. HE TOOK A PICTURE OF THE WALL. He taunting you, and you don't even see it.
I agree w/ Zander. This guys just bein a jerk off. He hasnt even posted anything else on this thread asking for help or anything. Watch he's probably gonna give me -rep and I dont really care. Listen "foundyforger" obey the rules and shape up or please dont bother even posting. Eventually youll get a real bad reputation here and no one will bother to even look @ anything you posted.