Yet I sort of decided to name it RingOfFire because everytime it was named BlackHole it would come up with blam. Also I'm so happy I've reached 1000+ downloads. Thankyou to everyone who downloaded and commented. I really enjoy reading peoples comments. Keep them coming. Also any suggestions for new gametypes are welcome too.
Wow man this is a nice map veary smooth and really fun! i just downloaded it and its quite fun. 5/5 best i have seen to date.
Ah, I just wanted to make sure there was no foul play with this one. But to be honest, I think you should have named the map Ring of Fire for everything to avoid confusion.
I think that you should re-make a version of king of the hill for 4 people with only 4 ghosts. That way the ghosts should spawn instantly when set to a runtime minimum of 8. With more people, they may spawn in an area where someone is currently in the ghost that spawned there, so it will not respawn until that person dies. With only four people, but a maximum of 8 ghosts, another should spawn soon after they take the original. It still is a great map for infection, lots of fun.
alright i downloaded this map and i gotta say, its pretty fun. it seemed really hard to splatter the zombie, but at least it was fun trying. Also the zombie could hit the ghost out of the stadium, and i dont know if you meant it that way or not but it happened a few times. if thats not what you want then i guess just make the walls higher. although the interlocking is great, when i was infected i ran around the top and hit a small bump and went flying to my death(of course im exaggerating). other than that and the fact that its hard to splatter the zombie i had alot of fun, good job and keep comin up with those ideas! also i agree you should have just named the thread ring of fire since that is your map name. i clicked on the link and got kinda confused then i saw the comments
Yer I tried making a variant like this but if every player is in a vehicle its too hard to push people into the hole. And if there was only 4 people killing people would be a rare occurrence. Also i dont think deleting half of the ghosts with make the other half spawn faster. Yer sometimes (very rarely) people do get throw out of the arena but theres not much I can do. I ran out of items and I dont think its that big of a problem plus I think its fun when that happens. Also theres not much I can do about it been hard to splatter the zombie soz. All i can say is try to get the zombies by surprise or when there using there brut shot. Thanks for your comment and I think I will change the name if its bothering ppl that much Edit: I just tried to change the name but I can only change it on the post, I cant change what it looks like on the forums
Wow this map looks spectacular! I can't even contemplate how hard that would be to merge that all together perfectly I don't see any mistakes so 5/5.
i love this game played it and i enjoyed it was fun and hard but there was a few problems with spawning under the map which could be fixed good job though! 5/5