Black Ops 1.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by cndlwx, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. cndlwx

    cndlwx Ancient
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    download --> Black Ops 1.2 <-- download
    download --> MUST SEE! <-- download
    download --> MUST PLAY! <-- download​

    Blackout, bigger, more tactical
    I wanted to build a map on Blackout and found that the only way to do it was to make it bigger.
    I always liked Lockout, but was annoyed that there was no way to cross the map except to run across the center, or to run under the glass. I always hated that a team could camp on the sniper tower, or the Br tower (especially in Black out!).

    So, I went about fixing those two problems. I have created alternate routes to and from sniper tower, br tower, library, and lift. I put in back walkways for both the library and the lift. (There are escape holes in the Library hall if you look.) I found that a lot of the old jumps were missing in the new version of the map, and I always thought that the shortcut jumps were what made Lockout fun to play, so I built the old ones back in and added a ton more. Most of the jumps are pretty easy to spot, some are not. The creative play of Lockout is restored, and a whole new out flanking tactic has been added. I also fixed the wide open feel of the landing pad by putting a "safe house" in the center with the shotgun spawn. A player can be relatively safe, but gets isolated. FUN!

    Yes, I put equipment on the map. I think it is the best new add for Halo 3, so there is plenty of it. There is no need for BR starts as there are a ton of them on the map. I moved the sniper to the top of the lift on a platform to make it harder to grab the snipe and camp the tower with it, and I let the long gun respawn like a normal weapon so one team can't ***** it the whole game. I did add a lazer to the map and it adds a new feel to the balance.

    The map is set for all game types, and I know the multiflag spawns are lopsided in favor of the BR tower. One flag plays great though.

    The stupid invisible lid kept me from taking a wide angle photo for you. So I made a walk around photo shoot. I have provided naming of the different land marks so that you can work your team call outs right away.


    This is the look down on sniper from the Library High Walkway.


    This Multicannon Jump allows a flank of the sniper tower from below. Sneaky!


    This corner has a great view of the Sniper tower and the lift.
    It was built to balance out the vulnerable feel of the elbow.
    This is the T Corner. This jump is being made from the upper snipe 2.


    This shows the jump from T Corner to back of Sniper 1.


    This jump allows a player to leap to the top of lift from T Corner over a huge gap.
    This view is meant to hide the additional jump options from this corner.


    This gives you a partial view of the back walkway behind the lift or the Lift Hall.
    You can see the platform that the sniper rifle spawns on from this image.


    This is the look back to the center from the Lift Cannon Arm.
    You can see the location of the first image of the Library High Walkway.
    From here and your first look at the Shotgun Safehouse in the center.


    This is a wide view of the Lift Cannon Arm showing you location
    and the cannon that launches you onto the back walkway of BR tower.


    This huge jump is from the very top of the BR tower to the Lift Cannon Arm.


    Just another view of this huge gap jump down to the Lift Cannon Arm.


    This is a shot from the Lift Cannon Arm side of BR tower.
    This shows the BR Walkways and shortcuts built into the BR tower.


    This is a quick look at some of the additional shortcut jump options you will find from the BR walkways.


    Here is your first look at the Library Hall.
    This shows the entry from the BR tower side.
    The Hall travels across the back of Library and opens at the side of Sniper tower.


    This is a look down off the top of the Library High Walkway
    showing some of the additional walk off short cuts, and shortcut jumps.


    This is the Sniper tower side of the Library Hall.
    It wraps around the Library and becomes the Library High Walkway.
    The Multicannon Jump is below here as well as the Lower Catwalk you can see it below.


    This is the Lower Catwalk.
    It connects the bottom of Library to the bottom of Sniper tower as well as the Multicannon Jump.


    And finally, the Shotgun Safehouse!
    You guessed it, the shotgun spawns inside and a regen on top.
    I might think you can hold this little scrap of land all day long. lol.

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my post. This thing took me forever to put together, so give the map a play or two and please feel free to comment about it. If you like it, search "waxmaps" as a keeyword on Feel free to send me a friend request in XBox Live. I am ...

    xKRx cndlwx
    #1 cndlwx, Oct 25, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  2. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Although this does look very good and neat, solving plenty of problems that I hated in the original map, The shield door 'chamber' in the middle ruins a whole lot. It's just a major camping spot. Also, for the Extra ramp/lift thing on the elbow, I propose you make the shield doors upside down so that way, the person over there is only covered if they crouch and they are still threatened by well placed grenades.

    EDIT: I have not yet played this map because my xbox got a red ring. I will edit my post with a better review as soon as my xbox gets sent back to me. Your map is queued.
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    hey this looks like a really fun map i was thinking about making a map something like this called white out but i like what you did. much better then what i was going to make!
  4. cndlwx

    cndlwx Ancient
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    first of all the safe house in the center is for camping if you can stay in there. So far the average life span in the box is very short. Thanks, I can tell you haven't played it.
  5. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Ok. Thanks for clearing a few things up, one of those things being the fact that you have trouble reading.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This looks way more complex than the original blackout and could probably support like 6 on 6 gameplay which would be very fun on this map lol

    I would love to see where this map goes, nice interlocking and such
  7. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Great we finally have slowly started moving away from foundry. This is great the interlock is good and the idea is solid the only thing is you could fix some of the things and also sheild doors arent really ever used in competitive and you could use like anything extra to replace the sheilds and it would be much better
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    i played this map in a party about a week ago (MLG Blanked if you remember me),
    the gameplay was fun and yeah the lifespan in the shotgun safehouse is really short like he said,
    overall this is a pretty good map but it could use some improvement as well
  9. cndlwx

    cndlwx Ancient
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    Just hoping that some of the 100+ people that have dled this map will talk about it.


    I already have some good ideas for Black Ops 1.3.
    Please keep them comming.


    BTW i will be posting a couple more of the "waxmaps" in the next few days.
    Freezer Brn 1.1

    cu then

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