Hmm - do you think it might help to switch where the teleport receiver and sniper are? They could easily swap without really changing the intent of either of their locations, and it would make the teleport less campable since it's more in the open. Of course that gives less cover to anyone going through the teleporter, but I don't know if that's a huge concern.
Here are some changes - Back corner spawn area cleaned up per Overdoziz's suggestion Floor changed to a partial wall (with crate jump-up) - two angles shown below. I think this will help with people trying to rotate endlessly around that short wall because you simply will fall down and not be able to. It should also improve CTF, since the flag spawns on the back side of that wall. Sniper and teleport receiver switched locations
Better, much better, Nut. Now it's time to run some more tests juuuuust to make sure Hit me up anytime.
Looking at the new pillar thing I think you could easily get away with removing the crate. Can't you jump from the coliseum ramp up to the platform anyway? The crate just feels a bit weird since the jump from the crate to the platform is so small. Spoiler Remove the filters
That's true, I could probably just ditch it. Or I could change it to a small structural jump instead of a crate - a small incline or something in that same spot maybe, something just tall enough to crouch-jump up from.