Black Isle Download Hey, this is my second map that I've posted here on Forgehub, this map here has had a lot of testing for a forged map, so I hope you guys like it. This is the first map I've posted here using the interlocking technique, and it plays very smooth. In my opinion it works best for small teams(2v2), or 5 player FFA. Suggested Gametypes: -Oddball -Team Oddball -Team King -FFA Slayer -Slayer Doubles -KotH FFA -BR's(Any of the above) The Bunker The map is centered around a medium sized bunker which takes up much of the map's floor space. The bunker is a high cover area, though of course there are quite a few ways into it. The power weapon inside the bunker is the mauler, you can also find a grav-lift near one of the exits. The oddball, and two of the hills are located in this area. Inside the Bunker Surrounding the Bunker are two key areas, the "Two Towers," and the "Sniper Tower." The Two towers are basically each a double box high. The tower on the left(when facing from the front of the bunker) is accessible by a spiral staircase. The left tower has a grav-lift to the top, and contains a passage underneath it. Between the towers is a bridge, that links them together which holds a sentinel beam. Under the spiral staircase is a Power Drainer. The Two Towers Near the back wall of Foundry is a long ledge, about a double box high. This is probably one of the best places in the map to use a rifle style weapon. It links together the Sniper tower, and the two towers. Below the center of the ledge is a small building containing a BR, and a couple grenades. At the bottom of the sniper tower is a Sniper Rifle. The Quintessential Sniper Tower Weapons No.//Name//Clips//ReSpawn//Start?//Symmetry(If applicable) 1//Beam Rifle//n\a//150//Yes 2//Mauler//1//90//Yes 2//Spiker//2//30\45//Yes 4//Carbine//2//45//Yes 4//Battle Rifle//2//45//Yes 2//Assault Rifle//2//Yes 2//Plasma Rifle//n\a//45//Yes 1//Sniper Rifle//2//150//Yes 1//Sentinel Beam//n\a//120//No 1//Sub-Machine Gun//2//30//Yes 1//Brute Shot//2//90//Yes//Symmetrical Equipment No.//Name//Respawn//(all spawn at start) 1//Regenerator//90 1//Grav-Lift//120 1//Bubble Shield//90 1//Power Drain//90 2//Fragmentation Grenade//30 4//Plasma Grenade//30\30\45\45 Underneath the Bridge A few weapons/equipment pieces of note are as follows: -Behind the bunker you can find a building similar to the one under sniper ledge, there is a bubble shield on top of it. -Between the two towers and the bunker is a mauler. -In the corner opposite the sniper tower is a beam rifle. -In the corner opposite the empty corner(behind the bunker) is a regenerator. For your viewing Pleasure The Power of the Shower Power to the people!
Yeah I like this one. It feel like a jungle gym. Also, I like that it's for all the "other" gametypes. Just that makes it somewhat unique. All the randomnes comes together and flows nicely. Did I misspell anything?
Agreed, the map is too small, and it would be just wierd, like CTF on Blackout. Haha, I suppose in a way. It feels like a jungle gym. I almost think you did that on purpose. Thanks for the comments guys.
The map looks really good and unique, but I'm not sure the your picture really do the map justice, you can't really get a good feel of the maps through the pictures... however I shall check it out, good job... EDIT ~ I see that you updated the pictures, and I must say that it really helps out your presentation...
Agreed i helped test this,thought it was great.Forgot about it and then thought this map looked bad from the pics... Then i looked at the name piece one fell into piece two etc.... Well im a douche :S Its a very good map,not sure which version i played on though Must say its one of those "doesnt look like much but kicks uber-ass when played" POWER SHOWER FTW!
Remember when Ferretness and I were playing this? Did you fix it up since then? Or were we just on a bad gametype? And then you had to go to the theater and watch it again... Lawl, good times, good times.
Alright, I'll try and take some new ones that showcase the map more, it's just hard to get the inside showing right without removing walls/ceilings(which I hate doing for SS's). This map has gone through a lot of versions, I think you played one of the "Pre-Alpha" incarnations. They were less advanced, and the weapons, etc. weren't as balanced. I think we were trying out assault, it doesn't work that well for Assault, CTF, and territories, simply because those games work much better with larger teams, which this map doesn't support larger teams very well. This map has a lot of little places that most people don't find on their first play through, and the screen-shots seem that they don't represent the map as best as possible, so that may be why. I don't agree, but that's just me, I enjoy Team King, and Team Oddball, which people don't often play in custom games. And as a sidenote, I think one of the special things about this map is that it's weaponry, equipment, and grenades balance each-other out very well. Thank you all for your comments!
I really like the changes you made to this map. The underground area will be used much more now that it has an additional entrance. Capture the flag was very intense on this map. I bet its even more fun now.
Yeah, people go in and out the back all day, though it's a tight squeeze, so they have to scrunch up to get through the hole. Lol. CTF is interesting, because a defender that respawns after the flag is taken has to hold down the Flag Capture point.
How very constructive.... The might not look the cleanest but it plays excellently. Have you at least DL'd it to see it fully? Off-topic:Holy cow i have a rocket launcher now!
If you're going to call something sloppy, at least properly capitalize your sentence man. Thanks monkey, but yeah, its great competetive map for smaller parties. I'm thinking of setting up an MLG weapons set, what do you guys think? and Gratz on getting Askar monkey!