Downlad Here Hello, this is by far my latest creation, its called Black Hole because the Hole will try to pull you to his darkness by any matters. Ok, the rules are SIMPLE BUT ELEMENTARY to play this map correctly If you already have the the VARIANT I shall start. This map is played on infection, only 1 zombie will start at the Black Hole, his job is to kill you whenever you fall to the Black Hole, the zombie is invulnerable so don't try to kill him. He will not receive points for killing, the only way to gain points is by Last Man Standing, You will have to evade Warthogs, Mongooses, Soccer Balls, Huge Iron Objects. Advices: 1) Do Not walk in the corners the gravlifts will send you directly to the black hole. 2)Evade staying in the Cages, every once in a while fusion coils will explode and will shoot you right in to the Black Hole. 3)DO NOT stay at the same spot for too long you will absolutely get knocked in to the Black Hole. If you follow this advices you will last longer. PICS: [img width=800 height=493][/img] [img width=800 height=506][/img]
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. This looks great... it's like a mix of "Trampoline" and the other 10,00 maps where you get knocked down to the zombie. I'm d/ling and trying now.
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. Looks very interesting I will give it a download, however I want to slaughter your name. Dont worry though its not you....its just your name. -Donuts
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. Alright, I played it, here's what i noticed: (In the gametype, is gravity changed? Sorry, I played it in forge...) The corners aren't that dangerous, and only 2-1 of the grav lifts were there (were they knocked off/destroyed? hmm...) It feels amazingly hectic and fun.
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. amazingly hectic and fun ehh that is my kind of game
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. This is like reverse CrateFrenzy by rustyeagle. Awesome. You've got a real eye for minigames.
Re: Black Hole!!Whatever you do dont let him get you. I'd like to slay your name as well, though the map looks interesting. Oh, and stop quoting random things.
This sounds like it would make for a hilarious game. I can hardly wait till I can test this out with some friends. Nice job.