In case you guys don't know it, today, the day after Thanksgiving (colloquially known as Black Friday) marks the official beginning of the US shopping season, extending into the holidays. info: BLACK FRIDAY I planned out my day, woke up at 8:00 AM sharply, and went with my parents to places of interest, Best Buy and Target, as those had the deals I was looking for. Here is a rundown of how much I spent, and how much I saved TV SHOWS: Smallville: Season 1 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Smallville: Season 2 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Smallville: Season 3 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Smallville: Season 4 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Smallville: Season 5 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Smallville: Season 6 Retail: $42.99 Sale: $14.99 Weeds: Season 1 Retail: $24.99 Sale: $14.99 Weeds: Season 3 Retail: $39.99 Sale: $14.99 House: Season 1 Retail: $59.98 Sale: $13.99 House: Season 2 Retail: $59.98 Sale: $13.99 House: Season 3 Retail: $59.98 Sale: $13.99 GAMES: Far Cry 2 Retail: $59.99 Sale: $37.99 Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway Retail: $59.99 Sale: $20.00 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Retail: $59.99 Sale: $39.00 Dead Space Retail: $59.99 Sale: $30.00 TOTAL RETAIL PRICE: $742.82 BLACK FRIDAY PRICE: $303.87 AMOUNT SAVED: $438.95 black friday rocks. discuss any deals you may have found here.
damn. very nice job. here's a tidbit that wikipedia doesn't know... the term "black friday" is used because its known as the day businesses try to get out or the red (financially negative) and into the black (financially stable).
My brother and I are buying a couple games today I think. Thanks for the reminder lol, I would've missed it.
Yea umm My friend went to Wal-Mart and went to the electronics section and people were fighting over the games so good luck trying to get them!
I'm going to make 2 big purchases today: Apple iPod Touch Retail: $229.00 Sale: 208.00 One of the following TV's, I haven't decided which one yet, any suggestions are appreciated: Sharp - 32" Class 720p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV - $499.99 Samsung - 32" Class 720p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV - $499.99 Sony - BRAVIA 32" 720p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV - $499.99 Toshiba - 32" LCD HDTV - $499.99 Based on online reviews, I'm leaning towards either the Sharp or the Sony. I will save anywhere from $50-$230 on any one of those TV's. I plan on just using it for cable TV and high definition xbox gaming and netflix movies via xbox also. And sargeant, Smallville is gay
DO NOT buy the ipod. A new one'll come out in January...hell probably even before then. Plus, that isn't a real deal, if you go to they usually have that deal all year round. As for the TVs, Bravia is what I was considering getting last year, but I went for a smaller, higher definition one
I got some good deals today, but holy crap...the people are insane. At one of the stores two mothers got into a fist fight (rolling on the floor) over a Wii console. It's a game system, people o_o...
So, not to get off-topic, but I didn't suspect you'd like weedz. I ****in love that show, but have only seen so few an episode... Anyways, family is out of town for me, and I'm broke as ****. Count it as 1 Black Friday completely wasted =/
I bought an iPod Touch last Sunday. Just cause I knew that over here it wouldn't be cheaper on Black Friday... My parents did buy a lot of stuff though. They got me also a case for my iPod that I'd been wanting since I bought it. I have so much OCD that I even clean the plastic over the iPod. And the cleaning cloth.
I accidently threw the plastic covering away so I have no screen protector for my idpod touch so I have to be extra careful. I even asked my friend if he could give me one of his spare ones. He looked but couldn't find one. I sat for like 2 or 3 days regretting it. I was so worried that I would bust my screen. Now I don't care as much.
Oh I don't really care much that I accidently threw the protector out but if I got a minor scratch on mine like you said, I'd beat the **** out of someone. Literally. Or I'd egg someones house. I'd be so ****in pissed cause I didn't even buy the warranty either.
What TV did you buy? I'm really looking for anything in the 27" to 32" range. Also, I doubt that apple would release a new touch when one just came out about 2 and a half months ago.