The first picture has a ghost in it. I have also added weapons list per request, and again "Black Betty" comes from the group Ram Jam, I had the song stuck in my head and could not think of the name.
this map is really good except for one thing that brings it down, those bridges from platform to platform. but i dont know if it's really possible to fix those. it looks like you would have to spread the platforms apart to make it work. o well, nice work 4/5
I really like the different levels, its really awesome looking on a map. But it would be better if u flipped the bridges upside down, that way they are flat all the way across. And nice work with the walls out of Boxes, really pretty like.
Thanks for pointing out my horrible bridge job. : ) I tried some different things and that is how it turned out.
I am so sorry about hte bidges. I am gonna try some thing else. I like the fact that you are honest at least. It is a really fun map. Thanks for the commentthough.
I reminds me of a blown up building that has its exterior walls destroyed but you can still see the different floors of the building. Kind of cool looking if you ask me.
whooooa black betty bam ba lam....... :] i dont see why everyone insists on using interlocking. i mean ya it could use it, but sometimes its ok to just stick to the old stuff. its like playing a Nintendo...the old ones all your life...then getting a 360. well **** yeah the 360 is better but you gotta stick to your roots man! /rant
it reminds me of construct because of all the levels to should make an air lift that goes to the top from the bottom and second floors
I would, but I didn't have the money glitch on this one. I like the idea though, maybe I can use it on the Airport map I am working on, maybe for the tower?
Simple enough layout, but it does look like it would provide good gameplay for a while. Good interlocking as well. It looks like you can escape it by those double-stacked boxes by the crates in the 2nd pic though, unless they go all the way to the wall. I may give this a DL.
It has cover on the ground but not up high. I dont want it to be unfair for people on the ground getting their head picked by snipers all the time. As far as the maps, after I made my first interlocked map, I was hooked. This is my third. My second one (LocoBleeder) looked nice , but gameplay is not that good, so I have some learning to do.
This map looks very fun! It reminds me of Matty's Reflex in some ways. Nice interlocking! Good job on this map overall!