This would have been so much better if I hadn't accidentally merged the layers before finishing it. So many things go wrong whenever I start working on a signature.
The text is interesting, and well placed. The render looks a bit blurred... it almost fades into the background. The effects are a little overpowered in my opinion, but the lighting is good. The barcode effect was an interesting choice as well. The border works well with the sig. Overall, it is an ok sig, but I think that it could be better.
I think the vertical lines are out of place and way too distracting. They look like an afterthought with the sole purpose of filling empty space. It's also a little odd that the signature is mostly greyscale yet the render isn't. A more colorful render would have been good with the black and white background but the slightly off-white hair just seems strange to me. Did you merge the layers and then save and quit?
A lot of things here are okay overall, but you should either change it up a little or get rid of it, like the vertical lines, or the borders. I do think your text placement is fine, but there's something about the font and text boxes I don't like. The general idea is nice.
ctrl+alt+z is another alternative, there is a lot of negative space but i think it just makes the lighting pop a little more... other than that i don't really like the lighting too much, its sorta like a beam of light instead of just ambient, and its way too powerful right above the head. and that 'half border' thing isnt workin. keep it simple. in frags defence without the boxes the text would be hard to read and he would have to put it somewhere else to be legible. and that would take away from the great placement
I never said remove it (though it could be an option), maybe it's just the font I don't like. It's really a good idea.