looks really great. ver neat and tidy, I love the choice of power weapons. Sniper, Shotty, Sentinal Beam. What are their respawn times? I will dl now, and have a forgethrough soon.
blaze you have just made a forger happy . this map is just looks perfect in everyway. i wont be suprised if it get featured.
oh its fine lol, i am just shocked that someone else had the exact idea i had for stairs. my map is leading away from that direction anyways.
it looks very original, and well constructed, built, and interlocked. it seems like itll have great gameplay. Ill DL and try it out
Wow, this looks great, you've really improved with your last few maps, i'd ask for a collab except for the problem of timezones, the fact that i'm not exactly the most sociable person on live, and that i'm not big on forging with another person in my party... but i still love the map, you have some nice creative ideas, and your forging style is unique and fresh.
I agree with Ivory, you have brought something fresh to the table with this map. I don't download too many maps now a days, but this map has compelled me to do just that. I love some of the smaller things you did to the map. Wonderful attention to the details. Good job!
:-D thank you so so much. im so glad to her that from you.. as well as you.. and im not stopping here my forging is getting better and im starting projects with defferent people. you guys may wanna look in my sig and check out the maywith thescilencebroken
nice map, but i dont like the weapon placement, you should make the weapons in strategic places like a shotgun on the lower level or something, but your next map looks different, a better different, i like the "abstract type" merges, it looks like the next map will be great judging on the pictures you gave us, anyway 4/5 overall
you deff need to stop forging and come play more often and quit RIGHT NOW so we can play match making dammit! but your creations are getting crazy.
This is by far one of my favorite maps you've made. I didn't like the other ones you made, but I like this one the most because it works so wonderfully with rumble shotty snipers. I only play free for all games with my friends, and this map fits my gametype niche perfectly.