Here is episode 4... My username is airsoftxx, subscribe
why do we all love you blood? well, since you rule...bottom line BTW you like dem subscriber skillz, i post like 2nd XD
good videos, i watched em all you should do a tut on how to merge staris into the lower parts of foundry walls, like in the underbog
Thank you, your vids helped me a lot. In fact, I never used teleporters to merge (until now). Did you post this in tutorials yet?
Once again another helpfull video, i was going to ask how to do an angled merging, but i figured someone would do it. This helped me alot.
Apply the same concept to different spots. As long as you have the braces set up. Another great tutorial Bl00d, although there was a lot of wasted time. Like several spots where it was just black screen, wassupwitdat? You also have neglected to mention that the deeper you wish to merge the more difficult it can get. Perhaps your next tut can be deep merges. Otherwise, very well made and a nice addition to your forge school.
i know but i can never get it to do it, it just falls diagonaly into the wall and i use the 2 second thingy