Foundry Bitsnap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by alex quit, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. alex quit

    alex quit Ancient
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    The first post of this map had no pictures, so hopefully the ones i have put on this post will work. Well as someone has told me you can edit your post instead of making a new one. I think, while i was viewing the thread right after i posted it and discovered the pics were not working i clicked the close button on the top of the thread, well i thought it closed the page i was on, but it closed the thread, so appearently once it is closed you cannot edit it (as far as i know, im stupid). So hopefully this thread will work.

    The main part of this map is the large tunnel in the middle were you might expect to spend most of your time. The spawns are similar to normal foundry spawns. The grav lift takes you to the top of the map were you and your teamates can do a good job of holding off the enemy. There are two wraiths on this map but i strongly sudgest that you turn off Vehicle use. (no i am not to lazy to take off vehicles, the wraiths are there for cover, so turning off vehicle use does not make the map gay while ppl are in wraiths) There is also a tunnle below the large central one were the shotgun spawns.

    Supports: Slayer, Oddball, CTF, and Assault
    Weapons: Battle rifles, Carbines, 1 Shotgun, 1 Laser, and 1 Sniper.
    Equipment: Regenorator x2, Bubble sheild x2, and an Overshield

    Description is above the screenshot



    Grav Lift

    Top Mid
    where the grav lift takes you

  2. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
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    This seems like an okay map you have here, at least you know how to interlock unlike most of the newcomers here (Which not all the time is a bad thing). You have a good layout and an ok design. You did a good job here for your first map.
  3. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    add more pics!... it is hard to really see what is in the maps with those being the only pics you looks amazing so far though!
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Nicely done, the map looks fantastic aesthetically, but I advise including more pics, preferably action pics, to let users understand the layout a little more.

    Otherwise, it looks amazing.
  5. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    The map looks good, especially for a newcomers map. Well done, but I would recommend removing the shield door at a spawn point because it could promote camping.
  6. kamior6

    kamior6 Ancient
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    Looks really good but the shield door thing like Dave said.
    Looks good for a first map.
  7. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    i dled the map. i really like the layout, but the walls and stuff like that arent totaly straight or perfectly lined up. find yourself a way to fix that, and im pretty sure you will be able to forge like a pro, because this map layout you make could have looked amazing. 3.5/5
  8. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Yea definitely add more pictures, but from what I can see it looks good. I like the tunnel setup, but I can't really tell where it is on the map or how useful it is. Also take away the shield door. But yea it looks good maybe put up some more pics and action shots though.

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