Bird of Prey

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by lllROCKlll, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    CREATOR'S NOTE: The hidden WTF factor was a fun idea for this map... for a week. For anyone who was wondering WTF it was, I'm putting in some pics of the whole aircraft. Inspired by the Pod Racers(?) from the Star Wars flick when Darth Vader was a child and did the race thing. Yeah, weird I know, HA!

    Bird of Prey is another map out of the strange mind of tag ROCK. If you DL’d my last one you get the drift on that, YIKES! Anyway, with this map I tried to create a scenario to go with the maps main feature instead of just a single created object to present.

    Bird of Prey is an unmanned remote controlled attack drone. Capable of low speed for attack runs (like it is in this scenario) with maneuverability control from its smaller Ion engines or high speed with its center main Ion Thrust engines, but still a silent predator thanks to 26th century technology.

    The Bird of Prey armament consists of Rocket Launchers and Splitter bombs. Splitters are bombs similar to present day Cluster bombs but with more directional stability. The Splitter in this case is opening up to cover the entire deck and cargo hold sinking the cargo carrier as well as destroying the cargo preventing any useful salvage of the weapons and materials. One note, if you look at the bomb's tragectory in in Forge it may not look like its not going to hit, kind of an optical illusion thing. To see the aim point you have to track straight down the trajectory of the first bomb section in line, and it will.

    NOTE: As with the last map I posted I didn’t put the whole map in the post. It has it’s own little surprise. Not so much a YIKES factor like the last one but more of a WTF, to be sure, HA!.





    Top View with the Control Module Canopy

    6 Front Mounted Rocket Launchers
    Bomb Rack for the 3 Splitter Bombs

    The Target with the Splitter opened up.

    Another view

    The Port it won’t make it to.
    #1 lllROCKlll, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  2. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    I love the way you used sails! But the cargoport is lacking :(
    Can you make the port better????
  3. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks Rath for checking out my map and the sails comment. The port is more of a background feature and I would have liked to make it more extensive but I ran out of budget. The map has 3 main features and that kind of eats it up. ROCK
  4. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Really cool concept. I think some of the more creative maps are ones that involve scenarios like a bomber on a bombing run over a target such as this map. Good job. DL and liked.

    Tried to edit this comment the other day but my internet kept going down. Anyways the wow factor for this map was definitely....WOW. Still a very cool concept. In terms of play this map could easily be made into a gametype but it would need some substantial refits to include adding vehicles that can fly but with the budget some things would need to be removed and I think that would honestly take away from the aesthetic quality of the map.
    #4 DeltaFoxtrot262, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  5. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks for the WOW comment Delta, that was the whole idea about posting it the way I did at the start. I added the whole view recently so the effect when someone first goes in... is gone.

    I guess someone could make any of my maps into some gametype and like I've said before, I invite anyone to do it, and I'd like to see it.

    I've only got one map I will be posting soon. I've done Air, land, sea and under water vehicles and scenarios in maps I've done lately, only one place left new to go...?

    I'm usually working on at least three maps at once but lately I've been doing re-fits of the Halo 3 maps, Guardian, Construct, The Pit and Narrows. My group looked over every map we could find (over 20) and picked the best of each one for me to re-fit and bring as close to the original size, look and feel, plus correct weapons placement, spawn points and spawn times so we can play Lone Wolf and Team Slayer games.

    Guardian and Construct are done with each taking about 8 or more hours of reconstruction work. Yeah, I'm a stickler for detail, placement and alignment. They were damn good maps to start with, now... they're just better and "we think" the best ever done. I'll do my best also to make the last two as good.
  6. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    This is one map post which I definitely overlooked based on the thumbnail image.
    There is so much more to this project than a clever use of glass sails.
    The write up was enjoyable, and the fiction behind the bomber was very interesting. This shows that not only do you have an ever-growing skill in forge, you also have a keen imagination, and that is a straight path to success in this community.
    Just by looking at the project overall and its fine details, I can see the amount of time and effort put into this, and I definitely respect that.
    Looking at the bomber I can see almost a mix of a biologic being tied in with machines. Like a stingray connected to two massive engines. The thrusters on their own were impressive and the cables must have taken a good while to create.
    Did I see you say that you were ex-Navy somewhere? If so the use of bombs and ships definitely define a unique theme. The dock was a nice touch as well.
    Nice work, looking forward to new additions to the aesthetic section!
    #6 xSoGx Grim, Mar 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Personally, I like the pod racer style thing but I think the actual pod itself is kinda lacking.. although it still looks kinda cool, it makes the general pod racer look unfinished.

    I'd salvage items from the rest of the map and create an awesome pod racer... definately a unique idea there.
  8. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks for checking out my map Stevo and I appreciate you commenting on it. In my creator's note I said it was based on the pod racer idea, not that I was trying to build one. They're just two huge "engines" connected to the aircraft.

    In your last sentence you said "I'd salvage items...", well, be my quest Stevo. But, for me, I'm always working on my next unique whacky map... this one is done. However, maybe down the line I'll check out that movie again and build a true pod racer. ROCK
  9. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello ROCK! This is an awesome post and map, at first, from the initial picture I seen I was just expecting a huge flying ship out of the sails and it didn't appeal to me at first to be honest, I liked the looks of it but I just thought it was only the one thing, not so...there is so much work put into this map. The ship looks awesome and is totally unexpected, the bird of pray looks cool with the 2 massive engines strapped to it. An impressive piece of aesthetics
  10. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot Tim. Yeah, I probably should have put the whole bird in the thumb nail to begin with but this map and River Boat had a Yikes factor I wanted to be part of the map DL when I first posted it. It worked good for those that DLed it.

    On this map, Bullet Train and Safe Harbor I wanted to try and create an action scenario that gave it more meaning than just a unique center piece of work. I think I'll stick with that on my new map Space Invaders... that I'll be posting soon.

    Anyway, thanks again. I always appreciate it when you check out my maps. ROCK

    P.S. - That unfortunate deletion of my "The Pit" re-fit had an upside. It turned out even better on the second try than the first one. I'll be posting it, Guardian and Construct re-fits soon. The re-fiting of each map has taken more time than building any of my previous maps. There wasn't hardly a piece on any map that I didn't adjust or replace. I was determined to get the look, scale, detail and feel as close as I could to the originals. So far the feed back in testing has been pretty amazing and encouraging.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks Grim. For me, there are two forgers in particular that carry a lot of weight with me when they comment on my maps. I appreciate all comments from all forgers but you and timmypanic encourage me the most because of your quality of maps and skill at creating. I might have found a niche here with these scenario maps and hope I can keep coming up with them. I'll be posting Space Invaders soon and it might be the best scenario map yet. Thanks again, ROCK
    #10 lllROCKlll, Apr 10, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011

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