Does anyone find the Bioshock 2 multiplayer as boring as I do. I said to myself that I would try and reach level 20 by the end of the weekend. After playing 3 games I got to the 4th and couldn't bear it anymore so I had turn it off and throw halo 3 in. So what do you guys think? Do you find Bioshock 2 multiplayer boring?
I didn't find it as good as I was expecting it to be, the story was awesome, but the multiplayer didn't really do it for me. Considering it was the first attempt at multiplayer, however, I don't think they did anything wrong, but I felt like it was lacking something.
The story wasn't awesome it was kind of broing. The first game had a awesome campaign. Anyways back on track. I kind of liekd the multiplayer, you have to reach a higher rank to get into it more. I became addicted to it and got to level 40 in one weekend.
I actualy really like it. I have not had a chance to play a lot of live games. That may be why I don't find it boring yet. I have played a few Rush & Conquest games. I have also played a few milti team death matches. The one thing about BC2 that really pisses me off is the lack of game modes. I just want a straight up Team Death Match. I don't want to go against four different teams at once. I want just regular Team Slayer. One team vs another team. The fact that you can only do multi team really sucks. Other than that, the game is awesome and I like it better than MW2. The lack of game modes is terrible and it holds the game from being as good as it could have been.
You probably think it's boring because you haven't gotten all the good guns yet. There's a big learning curve in this game, And while you may play a lot of bad kids when you get into a room where everyone has a decent amount of skill you'll find it fun.
I think it's pretty good but I don't like system of unlocking guns etc the more you play. I want the crossbow but can't be bothered leveling up
I love the multi-player, but I play with my friends. It became addicting for me when I got the Houdini plasmid, its fun when all of your team is using it for
I love it. I find it great. Yes its laggy nearly every game but 2K are patching that now. Hopefully in the furture they may make it more entertaining but other wise its enjoyable for me