Weapon list: Spoiler 1 DMR 1 Magnum 1 Turret 1 Grenade Launcher 2 Assault Rifles 2 Shotguns 2 Health packs Biohazard started out as a map between me and Berb, but ended up being a single forge project by me. The best player count for this map I would say is 12-16 players with 3 zombies. This map takes place both outside and inside a forerunner temple the humans once controlled but abandoned for reasons that were at one time classified. Now, you will understand what dark secrets lie within the depths of these old, frail walls. You, the humans, must enter the temple and encounter what lies ahead. You will encounter ammunition & aid throughout your journey through, but salvation sits at the end of the map. When the timer reaches 15 seconds, the shields power on, separating the surviving from the undead. Look familiar? Tactics: For the humans, just be aware. If the zombies know what they're doing, it can sometimes be hard to get past this point unharmed. For the zombies, don't jump down until the humans reach the rock slope. Their backs are turned, which makes for an easy kill. Also, use the first teleporter and come out the temple, or wait in the first temple and surprise them with sparklers and death. The orange terminal. Proceed to the first holdout. Tactics: For the humans, zombies can attack from either side of this entrance, so if you're the leader, you better be aware of what's going on. For the zombies, you can, like I said before, attack from your ledge to make for an easy kill or hide on the right side of the entrance and attack when they approach, though I wouldn't recommend this as much. You can also hide in the pit for when they do make their way in it. Overview of the first holdout. Tactics: For the humans, it's not the best idea to head into the pit of this holdout.When you do, though, you can reach the health pack and receive some ammo. If you stay on the ledge outside the holdout, you can be more aware of your surroundings. For the zombies, try to wait for someone else. It always is good because usually the humans can't manage to kill you both before you reach them. Also, many people sit literally right below the first zombie teleporter, facing the holdout door. They aren't usually watching their backs, so creep up on them by crouching and jump down for an easy kill. You, as the zombies, have several different choices when you come out the first teleporter. You can jump down the ledge I just talked about, you can jump on the rock to the right of the ledge I was talking about and leap toward the people on the ledge or in the pit, or you can head right and come from their side and catch them off guard. For the second teleporter, you do NOT have to jump to your death every single time you enter this one. You can take a right and attack the humans below. Holdout door (Opens at 1:30 seconds) The path splits, the left being shorter and more dangerous. The Poop-Chimney/Chute (Courtesy of Psycho Duck) Tactics: For the humans, walking down this path can be really dangerous if the zombies know what they're doing, especially if you have the turret. The zombies fall from the ledge above, at least if they understand what's going on, and can attack you and, ultimately, kill you if you're not very aware of your surroundings. If you choose this path, I say you should hurry, grab the shotgun reward in that hall, and make it to the safe room before the others do. For the zombies, if you're crouching on your teleporter ledge, it's like you're not even there. The humans can't really tell and just proceed without warning. In this event, you can jump down for an easy assassination, but make sure to time it right. The longer of the two hallways. This was originally the only path before we added the shorter one on the left side. Tactics: For the humans, if you have the turret, go right. You are too slow and have a slower reaction time than the rest of us. This hallway houses an assault rifle, so pick it up if you need ammo. For the zombies, you can use the fourth teleporter, and both reciever nodes will let you attack this hall, so take the chance and wait or jump down when they least expect it. When you do that, don't give yourself away by looking at them or hiding behind a wall. Stay at the back then sprint after them when they pass. The holdout room (Yes, there are two entrances). Tactics: For the humans, make sure you have ammo. It can be very easy to die if you are one of only four left, and ammo is a problem if you haven't gotten any for the entire round. For the zombies, go in groups and attack the weaker entrance. You will most likely get killed off if you want to sprint in there and be an undead hero, so just wait for others, then charge. Spoiler -Special thanks- Frenchy's - For giving immensly helpful ideas and suggestions. Couldn't have done it without you. FlyingShoeILR - For helping test this map and give great feedback. Berb - For helping design and build the map. MockKnizzle008 - For giving tips on the map and help with some of the map's biggest issues. Psycho Duck - for helping with the flow of the map and the safe room. Fatalityz - For testing out the map and being there when we needed you. Also, thanks to Rorak, Behemoth, and anymore if I forgot, so sorry. Please give this a DL (Map and Gametype here if you missed it) and be sure to comment!!
Oh hey there, I found a Biohazard. I like the poop chimney near the back. Man, this is an awesome map. You pulled off an incredible aesthetic theme here as well as some very enjoyable gameplay. While it is a shorter map, the split paths really add replay value to the map for both humans and zombies. The dual entrance final holdout is a perfect example of this, as it makes the game infinitely more enjoyable even to the very last second. I've enjoyed watching this progress and helping out here and there. Great job Minister, and good luck in the contest!
The initial push outside the forerunner temple is undoubtedly my favorite aspect of this map. It was a really successful way to visually entertain us while pushing humans through the lengthy 'question mark' shaped path. The 3 second infinite sprint fixed all issues I had with delayed re-spawning, games were much more enjoyable as the infected. The pace is fast and the outcome of each game seemed unpredictable. Great job on this, good luck in the contest and I'm sure we'll have more fun with this in lobby soon
I played an older version of this with Frenchys, and it was god awful. It felt so linear and forced, and the rounds seemed to end in less than a minute, even though we almost always made it to the end. Although the game only had 6-8 people in it, I do see the need for (and like) the changes you've made.
I wish there were more people playing Reach to play custom games with. I never get parties large enough to play maps like this which really sucks because this map looks awesome. There are some really cool aesthetic features like that pathway thing outside.
I'm so glad we got you thinking about all those changes Muffster. The map went from being a poopy playing, nice looking invasion map ages ago (which I did get to test) to being a poopy playing, nice looking infection map to being an awesome looking, awesome playing map. Sure, it's short for a linear infection map, but it plays great and has some fun moments. Taking the turret all the way to the safe room is super fun if your team defends you, and playing as a zombie is infinitely more enjoyable with the addition of the poop-chimney/poop-chute (I take full credit for the title!) and the second safe room entrance. The best part is that I think the map even looks better too with all the object optimization we did. Good work on this one Broseidon, good luck in the contest!
Added tactics for certain areas so you can know how the zombies or humans became successful in our testing lobbies. Just thought you needed some info on what you should do.
This map has become quite a great map, I am glad I got to help test it and watch it change and evolve from its beginning to now. I love the Aesthetic, Theme, of everything, I always enjoy seeing your Forerunner designs come to light.
It's a shame I couldn't get on in time to help you test the map, because it looks great. The forging looks so neat, and creative. I still mistake this for a competitive map. Great work, man. I will definitely have to check this out as soon as possible.