BINARY Picture created by by B3NW Binary is a team slayer type map best suited for Team Snipers and Team BR's. This map was made mainly by me Berkgina but it was helped out alot by spazmonkey92. He will most probably point out what he did Weapon List: -BR x 11 -carbine x 2 -plasma pistol x 2 -needler x 1 -Rocket lancher x 1 Power ups's: - oversheild x 1 - camo x 1 Screenshots: dont worrie the cannon man is no longer there that was a mistake. Download Map: Binary
FIRST POST - FU SPAZZ... Yeah I played this map a few times and it does play well, I like team snipers on it, well I like team snipers on nethin lmao. Good map and I like the aesthetics... PS: Im in second to last picture pwning berk guys
There is an insane amount of interlocking/geomerging on this map lol. I like the setup. It's very balanced. It looks good from the pictures. If I can I'll download and check it out.
Looks decent, but I know that there's a Conquest map with the same exact name sorry to burst your bubble xP but good job i like how you interlocked the double box to make a ramp :] P.S. that was a serious comment ha ha i love box ramps...its just so smooth, also really like your center structure with the upside down single open box, its nice and symmetrical '''
no i knoew that there was i actually had this map ready for like 4 months but i just couldnt be bothered to post it actually i have 2 other maps that are 99% done whice will be posted soon, so yea just so we all know i actually did have the name first but he beat me to it you can ask Spazmonkey92 for proof also now that theres ill be posting alot more maps...also asking B3NW to help with my main pic cuz hes awsome at it.... also be you didnt have to say it was you owning me ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS MAP DOES NOT USE THE BUDGET GLITCH
He actually made the conquest mapa after berk made this map, he just failed to post it... Onoez, He posted b4s me ;l
Where the hell is my credit! i made half this map! like the house, truck back half sections, the far back corners....etc
Yeah your half was probally the back tunnels, where there is basicly nothing (berk put something in there for v2) and what am I shoving up my arse, I didnt offer you anything so you cant really come back with that
please for the sake of everyone else please no more "ass" comments if you continue i will report you... even though for some reason you are my friends but anyways i would like some actuall feedback on my map so i can think about a V2 and what changes mught need to be made
ok its a good map apart from the fact you limit it to just BR and sniper games, which only includes MLG players, if you added in more game markers to be a universal map it would play a hell of alot better, the spawns are good and because of foundry there are some really good asthetics. 4/5 not bad B3NW stop spamming or i will report you, if your going to insult, PM me.