Hi everybody. I'm Franky1223, I'm new to Forge Hub and this is my first map ever on the Internet! Since it's not the first I've made, I think I've got some experience from my past ones and I managed to put in almost every game modes available in Reach. But anyways, there is my map. Binary came to my mind as a simple idea: I wanted to make a simple octagon-shaped symmetrical map in Forge World. I first started a huge octagon with spawns in it. But then I realized it was not even funny to play in and I abandoned the project. Its only a month ago I got a new idea for this crappy map. I decided to build rooms in each wall of my octagon and I finally made 2 floors of them. I'm now successfully satisfied with how this map came out and I'm proud to present it to you. And please don't comment on the map's description: I'm French... Weapon list: Spoiler x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x4 x4 Overview of the map A view of the center (Plasma Launcher) The bridge above the center (Plasma Pistol) Overview of the blue side (identical to the red side, except the color) (DMR on balcony) Room 1 (Plasma Repeater) + Lift to Top Room 1 (Plasma Grenades) Room 2 (Assault Rifle) + Drop from Top Room 2 (Needler Rifle) Another view of Top Room 2 (Health Pack) Top Room 3 (Access to the bridge) (Sniper) Little Room 3 (Pistol) So there are all the pictures for now. If you still don't understand the flow of the map, everything is normal. It's kinda hard to explain exactly how it is made unless you play a couple of games in it. Anyways, its all for now, and if you missed the download link: Download Binary v8 Edit 2: Grenade Launchers instead of Snipers. Bridge center enlarged to create a tactical jump. Old version still available : Download Binary v7 Edit: Windows added to make it less confined. Old version still available: Download Binary v6
Nice map from the pictures! I will give it a download and play it later with a couble of buddies. If you would like to play on it just send me a message via XBL
Hey I think this map deserves more than one comment! I reely like the layout so far from the pics and I will gladly play this with you also, gamertag: Squidkake
Thank you for the replies! Also please if you have any comment on how I could improve my map, I'm very open to your ideas and I wish I could tweak any little imperfection in my map (I'm very perfectionist). Thanks.
I'm really liking this map. it is very balanced and is easy to navagate. The grassy knoll looks very pleasing. I cant wait to play some CTF on it with my friends. the map is on the small side, and i kinda felt clastrphobic. Perhaps adding some windows on the 1st or 2nd level, looking into the center room or outside the map would help open things up. Chapeau!
Wow thank you for the reply! The grass took me sooooo long to place (I had to use all those grassy cups to make it look real). Also for the claustrophobic atmosphere, I think I had this problem for all my maps so long, so I guess I need to redo some parts to add some visibility to the center. I will probably remove some walls and replace them with windows. Anyways, thanks for the advice and expect an update soon!
Very nice first post. I like the layout, the aesthetics are great, and its just... great. However: I do notice you use a lot of buildings for interiors, if you were to custom make them, they would look like it'd fit nicer. Other than that, i think this map is a bit too small for a sniper. Maybe replace with a grenade launcher,etc. Great map though!
Thank you for the constructive criticism. I also though that the sniper was kinda overused in this map but I didn't know what to replace it for. A grenade launcher is a great idea, mate! Also, for the default buildings used, I don't think I could replace them all without hitting the budget limit... And if I delete too much things, my map could suffer from aesthetic lack (for my taste ). Anyway I guess I'm gonna make a version 8! Thank you again for the comment!
Well let us know when version 8 is out! Lol I'm dl this one now and I'll check it out later. Sometimes smaller maps are good to keep the pace faster in the game so don't worry about size. I like the grassy area within the map looks cool.
Version 8 online: Major updates: - Grenade Launchers instead of Snipers - Bridge center enlarged - Flow changed with a new tactical jump from the Bridge to the Balconies Minor updates: - Changed the aesthetics of the lights (power-ups) - Added one rock to the Green to drop the budget to 0$ Download Binary v8
Wow, for your first map, this is Great. Mine got locked cuz I didn't know how to put pics on! Anyway, not to be rude or anything, (I know you're new), but if the map still needs tweaking, you should have submitted it to the Testers Guild before posting. That will help you work all the kinks out and then you can post it knowing it's perfect. Anyway, I'll DL and Play it and give you some feedback if I can.