see i couldn't tell those rnt grav lifts.. cuz of the dam exploding box!... it catches the eye.. but w.e texas thingy magigger is better
thanks I guess we spent 2 hours on it total so that's why it was a job I just built it to prove to my cousin could be done.
:squirrel_sad: Arent we sensitive... He said refered to my map and he said the name wrong. I corrected him and said I made it. Dont get mad because he said it was better... :squirrel_shiftyeyes: :squirrel_evil:
You still continue to post in my thread, im not mad that he thinks yours is better for 3 reasons. 1) We made this in under 2 hours. 2) I've read your posts saying it took you days. 3) I have friends away from the "web".
Oooh wow, you have friends, I wouldnt have the slightest clue?!?(Sarcasm) Duh, everybody has friends. I'm not like you and spend 2 days making a map when I could be out somewhere. It took days because I only worked on it a few minutes for 4 days... Now about your friends issue, usually comuter nerds say that because they are self-concious because they themselves have very little to no friends... Besides, you live on the web. You stay on youtube, bungie, xbl, and this...
I dirtbike dude, race motocross, etc. Chicks digg me. I don't have to worry about what you think. Plus I HOPE you keep pathetically responding to me and pumping my map with posts bumping it each time, and think about it your bumping the map that you dont want to get popular. Your competition. I'm being the bigger man, now please don't reaspond.
"Chicks digg me" I would hope that you arent gay. Nothing special dude... Everyone has hoes, even you. And I dont care if this is getting bumped... No one hardly looks at forge hub, even less so race maps section... And wanna talk about advertising, you posted something about your map on youtube...
I'm going to ask again would you please stop posting in my forum I didn't say anything agressive in my last post. You starting to bug me now please go do something productive.
Thelastlaugh, he said get the hell off his thread, SO DO IT! Also, you sound so stupid when you say 'nobody ever looks at forgehub'. Dude, are you blind? We get nearly 100 members browsing each day, not including the guests. We've been Front Paged by Bungie 2 or 3 times (I forget), our maps are B.Net Favorited. You can't say jack **** about nobody look at Forge Hub. Also at you, the posting on YouTube, that comment was lame. Look how many maps are around YouTube, lots from Forge Hub. There is NOTHING wrong with posting your maps on YouTube.
The next person who posts something inflammatory or off topic in this thread earns themselves a nice little temporary ban.
wow, I was playing with these brats yesterday. They where claiming to have made this map and that they were the best map makers ever. LOL what losers, I bet they didn't even make one make that they showed me lol.
I played it, thought it was ok, but thats just because I dont think loops are that cool, no offense, you did a real nice job on it. Even though Ive made a couple racetracks, I still wonder how racing got incorporated with an FPS shooter.
could you please post pictures, because I have been surfing the Internet on my iPod while our computer is being fixed.