Georgia Men Say They Found a Bigfoot Two men who claim to have stumbled across a Bigfoot corpse in the woods of northern Georgia indignantly stood by their story at a news conference in Palo Alto during which they offered an e-mail from an entomologist as evidence and acknowledged they wouldn't mind making a few bucks from the "find" they have kept stuffed in a freezer for over a month. "Everyone who has talked down to us is going to eat their words," predicted Matt Whitton, an officer on medical leave from the Clayton County Police Department. Whitton and Rick Dyer, a former corrections officer, announced the discovery in early July on YouTube videos and their Web site. Although they did not consider themselves devoted Bigfoot trackers before then, they have since started offering weekend search expeditions in Georgia for $499. The specimen they bagged, the men say, was one of several apelike creatures they spotted cavorting in the woods. As they faced a skeptical audience of several hundred journalists and Bigfoot fans that included one curiosity seeker in a Chewbacca suit, the pair were joined Friday by Tom Biscardi, head of a group called Searching for Bigfoot. Other Bigfoot hunters call Biscardi a huckster looking for media attention. Biscardi fielded most of the questions. Among them: Why should anyone accept the men's tale when they weren't willing to display their frozen artifact or pinpoint where they allegedly found it? How come bushwhackers aren't constantly tripping over primate remains if there are as many as 7,000 Bigfoots roaming the United States, as Biscardi claimed? "I understand where you are coming from, but how many real Bigfoot researchers are out there trekking 140,000 miles a year?" Biscardi said. Biscardi, Whitton and Dyer presented what they called evidence supporting the Bigfoot theory. It was an e-mail from a University of Minnesota entomologist, but all it said was that of the three DNA samples sent to the scientist, one was human, one was likely a possum and the third could not be tested because of technical problems. At least one other Bigfoot researcher, Idaho State University anthropologist Jeffrey Meldrum, called the trio's claims "not compelling in the least." He told the Scientific American that photographs posted on the Web site "just looks like a costume with some fake guts thrown on top for effect." Whitton and Dyer have offered three different accounts of how they found the beast's remains. In early videos, the animal was shot by a former felon, and the men followed it into the woods. In a second version, they found a "family of Bigfoot" in the north Georgia mountains. In the third, the two were hiking and stumbled upon the corpse with open wounds. In one of their YouTube videos, they are shown speaking with a man they identify as a scientist. Earlier this week, they admitted that the man was Dyer's brother. Dyer said they were simply having fun. Asked why anyone should believe his claims when he already had shown a flair for tomfoolery, he suggested that skeptics simply are jealous. "They don't have a choice to believe us. We have a body," Dyer said. Source Site
Lol I was writing this article up just now, but you beat me to it. Also here is the video. Big Foot Sorry, I forgot how to post youtube videos.
Now with intestines!!! Although it may look fake, it could be real. Kinda strange they had it in their freezer for over a month though. Seems unrealistic.
that is complete crap i there has been a bigfoot sighting in every state for a long time and they just know found a body
Well the northeast has lots of woodlands and grasslands, and is full of mountains and forests. Georgia also has alot of forests and some mountains. I'd say georgia has a pretty good habitat for a bigfoot, if they were to exist.
Well as said by my teacher who is a mystery monster fan, most mammals have migration patterns and this would include even these mythical creatures. So what my teacher says is that they have migration patterns that they follow. It sounds strange, but is likely since most mammals have migration patterns... if they are mammals...
Well there's some animals that only get seen every few years, because they are in so few numbers. It's a big world, and if there's not that many bigfoot left, then the chances of seeing them are very slim. Edit: Just because he's reporting news doesn't mean he's trying to be you. Even though i enjoy your articles, other people can post news aswell.
Thats something no one can answer. Either that or most people who do see it think they're seeing stuff and since people who do call in get criticized heavily, they think they shouldn't. I know you started the trend, but I'm sure you had the revelation that after you did it the first time people would begin to follow. Anyways, this story seems to be leaning towards the side of being fake and I wanted peoples opinions. Also, just to state, I didn't use pink text like you would.
Lol you also centred the whole article. Making it incredibly difficult to read. The formatting is allllll wrong.