Ok, I wanna start editing images, but I don't know what software would work the best, and seeing that yall have the best signatures that i've ever seen, I want to know what yall use. Please help, it would be greatly appreciated!
the best you can get is Adobe Photoshop CS3, but i dont think its very noob friendly, in addition to being $700... id recommend GIMP 2. its free, and you can get tons of beginner tutorials online..i figured it out myself actually, and its pretty simple, and almost as good at PS...you can get it free @ gimp.org
Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photo Shop. Bu I'll have you know that you can do more with MS paint than you think :squirrel_wink: I've seen some pretty amazing crap come from MS paint... *Has lost link to amazing amazing MS Paint Pic*
Photoshop CS+. Photoshop CS3 has not made any major improvements to actually be worth it or going through the hassle to [glow=black]illegally download[/glow] purchase. CS2 and even CS is just fine especially something as small as a signature banner. PS > Gimp
I use PhotoImpact 8, I know how to use it and can make some good pics with it, I don't need the latest programs to make things like sigs.
I use CS2 too, CS3 is really nothing more than an updated UI and a little more "noob friendly." But yea Photoshop rules balls.
Photoshop is the best and most widely used, I'd suggest that. Flash is also helpful as you can edit pictures and also make movies. There's a lot of free trials online you can download of a lot of different programs, try them out and see what's best.
Same here twin probably because i don't know how to use it lol. Lucky for me its just a free trial tho.
Yeah Photoshop is the best and hardest to use, so I suggest Gimp, its a freebie photo editer and I think that it would work perfectly when you dont have 700$.
GIMP is great, especially because it's free. Another good free one is Paint.NET, it's a lighter program than the others but you can still come up with some good stuff. It's a good beginner program.
I use Photoshop CS3. I got it through my school for 500. It was actually an Adobe package. It came with Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Bridge, Encore, Extenzscript Toolkit, Flash Proffesional, Flash AfterEffects, Premier and Soundbooth. It is awesome. Unfortunatly, it is a student licence and it ends when I'm done with school in 2 years.
I'd say Photoshop if you can get it for free or if you're willing to shell out lots of cash. Otherwise I hear Gimp is pretty good.