Big Boss on A Mess!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 3, 2010.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ready for a game with a little scare? Because this game sure does have it! Let me explain. The zombie is this some what slow but strong dude that chases and finds you with a giant hammer and a sharp ass energy sword. Your job is to run, shoot and if needed, Hide! Which is what you well most likely me doing any way b/c you well have no idea where the zombie is until he shows up on your screen! The zombie has some tricks up his sleeve when chasing down his targets. One is hiding behind walls and corners until one unlucky and clueless fellow comes to take a peek to find you. Another trick is making your self look like your going one way but suddenly go back around to catch your opponents off guard! ​

    The humans too have tricks they can use. In the map hides good spots to hit the zombie in the back while they don't know it. One friend or player can bait him and lead him right to the trap! But the best thing you can do due to the zombie having radar is shoot him up and run when he gets to close, but be careful, he might just get that small distance he needs to lunge and mangle you! ​

    The map is very close quarters and very small space in many areas you walk in. which gives the zombie that interesting advantage when chasing you, and i got to say, there is nothing that well put the hairs on your back more out then knowing you have a zombie really close behind you with Little space between you and him. ​

    In all honesty this game is by far the most fun i have ever played in my life. The game and map corr-operate so well with each other and releases the best infection experience. And everyone i have played with agree that this game is indeed the most fun and scary game they have ever played. Let me show some pictures of the map now :)





















    Download the Map here
    And download the game here
    Please Download it! And thank You! 8D​
    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  2. xzBLUE HAZEzx

    xzBLUE HAZEzx Forerunner

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    Looks really well done. It seems that you put time into this map. Just so I'm right the map is a series of hallways, corridors, drops and ramps? It's kind of hard to get and idea of the map with these pictures. I know its hard to get good pictures of big maps like this on foundry.
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Let me just say that this is one of my favorite infection maps to date. It's one of the few that can really just scare the living #($* out of you if you aren't paying attention. And the map is so well made... it just perfectly compliments the gametype. Amazing job, this'll be on my HD for a while. :D
  4. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    So it's pretty much Fat Kid. Great.

    Does the zombie even have a chance to kill the humans, or is it a once-in-a-blue-moon kill for him? At least tell us the traits of the players. Sorry if this sounds rude, but it sounds and looks just like Fat Kid, which is indescribably unfair to the zombie(s).

    Just saying.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    or you can download and play for your self. way too lazy to tell you all the traits.... Its 1:00 in the morning.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Trying to get a grasp of this map and game...
    Is this an enclosed map where nobody can escape the building? If so, sounds kinda like a Michael Jackson on Neverland Ranch type of game, but in a smaller area. Could be fun...

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure if it is like Michael Jackson because i have never played it. However i can guess that it is what it sounds like. a game where you run and hide, but big boss is fat kid at its finest. You see what sells this game type away is the map. I know this game has a bad reputation, but that is because no one has used the game type the right way. to make the game type fun, you must add something that makes the game scary and have a point, instead of a really slow guy that is invulnerable that gets little minions by killing people, I have it to where you are in a confusing building where every one has ONE life and humans have no radar. The zombie can die but it takes a lot of good timing to pull off some shots in him before he gets in to lunge range. People try running from him to where he cant catch up, but this is where the no radar and the map counter act that to ensure a balanced and fun experience. I'm telling you many of these lame garbage infection games are great to play if you just use it in the right way. In this case a few changes with the game type and a map that suits it well.
    #7 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  8. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I too have got to say that this sounds a LOT like "M.J. on Neverland Ranch"

    And by the way, you shouldn't count on us to give up room on our hard drive just to check out your map. The entire point of Forgehub is to let us know ahead of time whether your map is worth downloading or not. If you can't do that, then you really shouldn't expect us to download your map.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its not that i want you guys to do that all the time. It was just that one night that i did not feel like explaining because it was late and i was tired. That comment you quoted is pretty much everything the game is.
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You still didn't answer my question...

    Is there a way in and out of the structure? Or is it entirely enclosed with no way out?

    As for Michael Jackson on Neverland Ranch, Neverland Ranch is a big house built on the half of the map with the loading docks. It has various rooms and hiding areas. The game is basically hide and seek with 1 life. There's loads of various nooks and crannies to hide in on the map. Once you're found, you run away from Michael Jackson ( the alpha zombie ). The only way to kill MJ is to assassinate him. Can be a lot of fun to play, but annoying when players start using guest accounts to find players. It also sucks when you're first killed and need to wait for the whole game to end.

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