Big team sumo If you did click on the link to view this map well then congrats you are just halfway there from downloading the entire thing . Anywho this map consists of a giant or rather large stadium made with Colosseum walls and windows. The map itself is runs on basically two game types. Assault anything related to assault and king of the hill. Now to be more specific this map was purposely made for a custom game type of crazy king. You are probably wondering no what is this game type that you have made. Well to describe what his games type is in one word I will use the word madness, and no it has nothing related to Sparta unless the Spartans in 300 had gravity hammers for a primary weapon with infinite ammo Had rocket launchers as secondary weapon with infinite ammo had a jump height that is 300% greater that a normal Could move faster by 200% I think not. Anyways the hills moves every 30 seconds and when you are within the hill you have a bad camo on and all you stats of jump height and speed are returned to normal making you more venerable. Enough said about the game type it now to explain the map itself in further detail. There are two towers on either end of the map. In the game type team sumo you can easily jump up to the top in which you will be rewarded with a plasma pistol or two fuel rod guns -_-. Now since I can trust that you have skipped the lameness of reading you probably want to see the pics and let me say that I have a record of looking solely at the pictures as well. So to satisfy you needs here you go -_-. this is the top of the tower... there is a cone on every hill marker... oh and one more thing download my mapthe game type as well if you want but please download my map you have only a 60% chance of regretting it. oh if the game types sucks this map is always good for griff-ball which it is set up for
Hey man this looks awesome! I really like the way this is forged. The inclines are forged really well and this will create a fun and interesting game! It is bigger than a standard grifball court, but thats a good thing, and it is good that this plays big team grifball. Great looking map and an interesting gametype nice work
I dig the looks of this map. That floor in particular and the way it's not just flat. Should make for some interesting and fun play. Really nice job on the whole build. I'm going to check it out. ROCK