Sure, the visuals in BF:BC are amazing. It's certainly been taken to the next-gen level. What about the controller configuration I don't think it's been thought out at all. Everything should happen instantly, it should be simple to use, but it always seems to take two or more button presses to do anything. For example, if I want to throw a grenade, I need have to press the left shoulder button (hoping I have a grenade, I can't see anything indicating if I do or do not) and then press the fire button to throw the grenade. To switch back to my primary weapon I then have to press the right should button. Compared to Halo, were you just pull the right trigger to throw a grenade. No switching weapons and no having to check, it's right there on the HUD. I mean, this is completely illogical, isn't it? Oh and while I'm talking about grenades, how come it takes so many to kill someone? This game seems to be setting out for the whole "realism" thing, but I seem to be pretty impervious to these explosions... Having to hold down the left analogue stick to run is another issue. Trying to strafe is insane. What’s wrong with the hitting once for run, and again for walk? I can't seem to find an option to make it click to run. Can someone please tell me if there is because it's kind of annoying. How about the HUD. Firstly let's start with the mini map. What made them decide to put it in the bottom left hand corner? It gets in the way there and mini-maps have always been in the top right hand corner for a reason, it's out of the way from the main areas you're looking at. Why are there no options to change the HUD at all? With all these next-gen consoles and HD gaming why is the HUD so defined? I can't play Battlefield for too long for fear that the mini map and some other pieces will burn into my plasma. Halo's HUD is fine, it's slightly opace so it changes colour. Doesn't effect my plasma at all, however the white border on the mini-map tends to stick around for a few seconds after about a half hour playing BF:BC. Hopefully in an update they will at least at some kind of transparency option. It seems logical to do so if they're thinking HD. ... or is it just me?
I enjoy it overall, but I can't drive heles. Somethings can be confusing at first(Tracker gun). And why is there no option for splitscreen, customs with friends only and ONLY ONE(soon to be 2) gametypes?!
Well, I won't answer about the game, because quintessentially all they did was make an easier version of Call of Duty, which is probably one of the hardest things to do because Call of Duty is like riding a bike. But as far as your HD, go HERE basically it will break in your HD so you don't have to worry about getting anything stuck on your tv. Just run it over night for a week or so.
That's hardly the point Bnasty, and anyway Samsung come built in with burn in protection systems and burn in removers. Not that I've had to use any of it [Samsung make the best TV's imo] It's about the game. HD gaming calls for HD settings. And when most personal HD TV's are Plasma then you would assume you would expect these kinds of problems. Someone I know baught a cheap Plasma and have burn in from Halo (The grenades up top left) so I can imagine how much this game would ruin his TV.
Grenades kill in one shot. I don't know how unlucky you must be to not kill someone with a single grenade. And if you play it for a while the whole bumper bumper, right trigger to throw becomes kind of a second instinct. It just happens when I need it too. I'm pretty sure if it bothers you with the bumper there are other controller figurations. But the amount of things your character can do such as aim with the left trigger, crouch with the right thumbstick and then sprint with the left thumbstick it really couldn't just be a one button thing. Flying a helicopter in this game isn't hard. It's mostly just using the right thumbstick with the occasional tap of the left thumbstick for a roll. People don't realize however, that in order for a helicopter to actually be effective you need two people in there. One flying, and the other shooting. A one man helicopter is really nothing to be afraid of. There was only two gametypes in Battlefield: Modern Combat (CTF and Conquest) and one of the old gametypes are coming back. I suppose there just trying to limit it so you don't have to worry about having to always search for a specific gametype, or more people in one match. If you keep adding gametypes, room's will become much smaller. I'm pretty sure the minimap in BF: MC was also at the bottom right, I suppose theyre just trying to keep it the same for the 'veterans'
I've had trouble with the grenades, but I like how the damage is set up. Its like, if your getting shot at, you can actually look at him, and have a chance at killing or hurting him! Its like COD, just better. The gametypes should be better later, their already bringing in 2 new gametypes and suppositly new maps fast. The helicopter is a learning curve... Hey, if anyone wants to play Battlefield, send me a FR or game invite...I think I have a few spots open now...